If you are sensitive to milk or dairy products, it may not necessarily be the milk or dairy itself, but the type of milk or dairy you are consuming.

Studies have shown that A1 Beta Casein, which is present in conventional and even many organic brand milk and dairy is the culprit to the sensitivities that people are experiencing, among a host of other digestive illnesses.

Not to mention the added hormones and antibiotics which introduces a host of other side effects.

Dr. Dan Pompa, DC, shares in this video why A1 Beta Casein is the future's Gluten or as some refer to as, "the devil in milk."

If you desire to consume dairy or meat products, at least make sure it is Gluten and A! Beta casein free. If you desire to consume dairy or meat products, at least make sure it is Gluten and A! Beta casein free. You can get food without A1 Beta Casein at this link


24 thoughts on “A1 Beta Casein Is Even More Toxic Than Gluten

  1. Why does he think we need dairy? We are the only species that consumes milk as adults. The only species who consumes the milk of another species and think it is needed.

  2. He had me till advocating dairy. Not only is it gross but it’s entire existence is based on a cruel and barbaric practice. Even if you think there could potentially be a small nutritional benefit, it’s not worth putting suffering into your body.

  3. Hmmm, interesting. But I can say that after being on a 100% plant based and largely whole food diet for over 20 months, I’m not lacking any nutrients. Just finished a do it yourself full iron distance triathlon for my 50th birthday. Marathons have gotten easier and I’m doing ultra distance runs, albeit not very very fast. No dairy for me! The “best” dairy is still loaded with cholesterol, toxic sludge imo. :~). “sh*t a barefoot vegan endurance runner says 1&2”, go into some detail with referencs

  4. If they wanted more people to be able to eat healthy, they would stop charging so damn much for healthy organic and raw vegan food. They only want a small elite of professionals & wealthy/rich people to be able to eat healthy.

  5. in all honesty it takes alot more work to grow organic and you can’t grow the same amount of food in the same area as conventional foods. So it only makes sense that it costs more. They have to survive too

  6. hippie the china-oxford-cornell study was done in china, a place that has traditionally never been a milk drinking society. So lactase wouldnt be recognized by their digestive enzymes. Most caucasians do have the ability to digest lactase
           for example we will look at the eskimos a people that have traditionally lived off of animals for centuries but have no problems. It depends on what you are genetically predispositioned to eat

  7. If you need something of value, dont look at the price. Just say to yourself, “there are no spoons” and if you have to use sign language, there is probably a road around here somewhere.

  8. All you gyus have bugged up the whole world by your insane and Useless experiments and inventions science couldn’t give a reliable food to human being ever. Every food has been converted into hybrid form nothing is leff natural. You guys are really not well educated but half minded and less knowledgeable than our ancient people. And American have put the whole world in tension with their rascal inventions and experiments and innocent people and animals are suffering from his wrong actions. They are doing wrong dids and innocents are being punished by their actions. Human species have been surviving since millions of years nad never faced any catastrophic food relation problems so far but suddenly in 100 years of now we have been facing a lot problems of food relating because thease guys have intervened into the nature a lot.

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