In this video I talk with Dr. Alan Goldhamer of TrueNorth Health Center. A Fasting Center in Santa Rosa, CA. Dr. Goldhamer is the author of The Health Promoting Cookbook which provides detailed nutritional information on how and why to adopt a health promoting diet; he is co-author of The Pleasure Trap. Check out his website. part 1 of 2
How often do you fast?
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cant you get gastritis or ulcer for doing this?
I can’t see how so I dont’ think so. Never heard of that happening.
alkalize the body with fruits and vegetables & stop eating the acidic foods.
A resounding YES, cuz when fasting our generally overworked digestion system gets a full rest freeing the body energies to focus on healing. That rest should repair adrenals and attending fatigue
Thanks Paul… I love all your videos, they are so informative…
THank you
Hey, have you considered “Musclegend” (just search Google)? There you will find a smart free video explaining the right way to develop noticeable lean muscle fast whilst eliminating unwanted fat simultaneously. Kyle is among the numerous men which enjoyed positive results applying this method. It might help you out too.
Hi there, have you heard of “MuscLeader” (search on Google)? There you can watch a great free video featuring the right way to build noticeable muscle very fast whilst shedding body fat as well. Christian is among the many guys which had great success applying this approach. It might help you as well…
If you want to burn calories fast, you should look up on google “Lean Body Maximizer”. That might help you get the body you deserve.
Hi there, have you considered “MuscLeader” (look on Google)? On their website you will find a nice free video showing how you can build up visible muscle mass easily while eliminating fat as well. Brandon and plenty other guys had great success because of this system. I hope it will help you too…
Talk to your doctor about Ranitidine. It’s a histamine H2-receptor antagonist that inhibits stomach acid production. It works for me and my Mom. Don’t use tums or anything that neutralizes acid, it just makes heartburn worse.
Was that a yelling mole giving the interview?
Millions of people have the precious capacity to burn fat — but don’t take advantage of it. Copy and paste into Google Fat Blast Blueprint to unlock your full weight loss potential.
If you desire to melt fat, you should do a google search Fat Blast Furnace. They can help you get the body you deserve.
i need to know what type of water is best to drink during a fast? thnx
+rocbola I know this comment is 5 months old, but doesn’t distilled water demineralize the teeth and body? Shouldn’t you add electrolytes to distilled water?
+cruciferousvegetable Some say that it does, but i am not sure that i agree. Minerals and electrolytes are incredibly abundant in natural food, like fruits and veggies. As long as you eat plenty of plants, you get everything you need. Also, i think your mineral reserves would carry you through a fast. A water fast is only a temporary ordeal, so it’s only a few days or possibly weeks that you’d be drinking the distilled water only. Personally, i feel the difference when i drink different water from various sources. My body really seems to prefer distilled or RO water, though there could be other factors in play aside from minerals.
+rocbola I would not be afraid of losing electrolytes in my body so much as demineralizing my teeth. That warning made sense and scared the crap out of me.
The guy who told me this worked with distilled water to restore old paintings. He said it is a very powerful solvent and they use it to remove paint.
STOP YELLING ! jesus !
Amazing thank you!!! 🙂
The maximum amount of time that you can water fast without entering a period of starvation is 40 days, and even that is stretching it. Most people that attempt a water fast for the first time do not last over a day. The amount of discipline and determination that is required to reach just 10 days on a water fast is very high. You have to be physically and mentally prepared to endure the struggles that come with not eating a single piece of food for days.
The first time that I ever attempted a water fast, I lasted 5 days. Resisting the physical urge and temptation to eat was, without a doubt, one of the hardest things I’ve had to do. My initial aim was 7 days, but, as you can see, I did not make that mark.
Water fasting for 5 days has been a most significant and enlightening experience in my life. It had great physical and mental benefits. There is scientific evidence to support this as well. After 5 days of not eating, all of my terrible symptoms completely vanished. I felt great. The only problem was that I did not follow the correct diet after completing the fast. I ate a lot of starchy, sugary foods, and that threw my digestive system completely out of wak, which set the stage for my symptoms to return and haunt once more. But NOT this time!!!
This time I will break the fast properly with a healthy and nutritious diet.
If you’re going to do a water fast, then I urge you to watch this video FIRST, as an introduction, and then conduct a lot more research on your own before starting the fast. This video is pretty long, but if you’re serious about water fasting, then that shouldn’t be an issue as it contains loads of vital information that you will need. I also recommend that you fast under the supervision of a friend or a family member and take note of your medical history, including any medical conditions that you might have. Although fasting is very beneficial, it can also be dangerous. Do your homework…
+Doom Hilda
Yes, you are correct. I agree.
Not a big problem. Im on day 17 and its my first time.
I completed a 14 day water only fast. It was the hardest most rewarding thing I have ever done. Your comment made me feel even better about myself. Thanks. Btw, I lost 27 pounds
just lay down at 1 place don’t workout or do routine works this fasting will b best