Today's video is about an amazing woman, Rosemary Fletcher spent 11 years confined to a wheelchair and doctors said she will never walk again. Thanks to the raw food diet she went from 305 lbs to 120 lbs and now walks one mile a day. Amazing!!!
24 thoughts on “Amazing healing. This will make you cry with joy.”
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And you look beautiful !!! The biggest healer is within the self. And when we’re ready for change for good & want to learn, the teacher always appears.
Doctor and the Big Pharma make money from sick people and they prefer that everyone is sick and spends most of their money on drugs.
God is most powerful! Such a wonderful story. God Bless you Rosemary
What’s a beautiful.story.
What an encouraging video! The Lord has really blessed her! The Lord also blessed me
with any amazing Doctor recently that is actually genuine & honest and he doesn’t lie to me like most Doctors do, and he doesn’t just hand me pills for all my health issues. I’m so excited to be starting a juice cleanse tomorrow, and becoming Vegan! A completely new life with God the Father. = )
All praise to Yahweh, the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last. Amen! = )
the genuineness that is portrayed in this women’s eyes is heartwarming. beautiful soul.
Thank you dear Lady. What an inspiration. I don’t have MS but I do struggle with believing that food can heal. I’m so glad you posted this. Thank you!
This is a 55-year old woman? Look at the way her facial muscles move – she has the face of a less-than 20-yo.
I have watched this 4 times and very time I watch it I am so inspired by her courage
my forth time too!
it is inspiring
Wow….she is GORGEOUS!
What is it about this woman? She is rather amazing..
God Bless her, she’s truly blessed.
Not a single negative comment. Very nice video
What a beautiful soul!
How amazing…How amazing…How amazing…How amazing…How amazing…How amazing…
God Bless her and may God continue to use her to inspire people . She took care of her temple and God agreed!!!!!!!!
That’s beautiful. Her skin is amazing!
You are beautiful, you are strong, you are a winner. Congratulations !!!
she is so strong smart pretty she is blessed ..i like her she is a shinning star..Amen
This woman is the best example of what can happen, if you do not trust to your doctor and pharma.