Hot House Dome
Christina wasn't feeling well. She used the hot house dome and chi machine for a week adn she is better now.
You can learn more about these machines at this link
To order the Hot House Dome and Chi Machine call Jeff at 763-425-1699. Tell Jeff Paul Nison told you to call him and the best price.
The HotHouse does 3 things: Increases circulation, expands capillaries, and helps cells regenerate.
The Chi Machine does 3 things in 5 minutes: increases oxygen, energy and circulation.
Cool! even if it was just a massage it’s great
Do you sale them?
When I first saw this about 3 years ago, I thought it was a scam. “What the heck is a chi machine?” It was in a clinic who did injury rehab. I tried it and I thought it was a pretty cool sensation when it was finished. I had a euphoric feeling afterwards. Very interesting sensation. Hard to explain until you try it. Though it did not help my lower back injury, it was a pleasant experience.
@shubutaxy well some advice to you…if u dnt like what he’s doing dnt watch it!! And you need to get a life
Infared is excellent from my research. Hippocrates Health Institute has been using these with great success on their cancer patients. I love both these machines and would not promote something I didn’t personal use and think would help others.
No but contact jeff. His # is under the video He sells them.
Ouch expensive! $900 for the dome machine really?
It is truly worth every penny.
how about another podcast! I haven’t seen one in awhile. Maybe i’m doing something wrong? either way more podcasts please!
You look like a mad professor .
this vid is hilarious
Great to see this, I have done the chi machine… However what is WAY better and is free is for people to learn to practice QI Gong daily and everyone should know that we as humans have been made by YHWH as Qi/ Chi Machines and to increase chi is very important for health.. Much love Paul for your progressive health show.. Shalom in Truth!
What is a severe detox? She said she was going through a severe detox.
Can you put the dome over your head?
+jade rozner yes but with caution
Also if you use the dome over your face, you need to put moist cotton balls or kleenex over your eyes for protection from the heat!
Yes, some said an eye mask, but the moister is needed to protect the eyes from drying out and becoming irritated, also dryness of the eyes can cause cataracts! So, a cloth, cotton balls or kleenex, anything clean that can whole moister!
I purchased one but I barley feel any heat… it slightly warm… Not sure if it really working