12 thoughts on “An Amazing Fruit Day

  1. Guatemalan rambutans!! :D! The tree is called Capulín in Spanish, so very similar names. The species found here is Prunus capuli, and it belongs to the Rosaceae family :). The skin is edible 😉 Thank you for sharing! <3 Peace

  2. Damn the iPad key board. Misspelled every thing. I meant eat the skin of that cherry .my uncle has one of those tree in his farm, we pick them all year round here in Hawaii

  3. paul i us eat many fruit on trip to philippines my last visit 2006 all yummy fruits i luv them healthy with smile so good

  4. lol!you made my day:) i needed this laugh-i’ve been in so much pain. It’s the only thing that made be smile. don’t sweat the small stuff-Thanks!

  5. There are too many fruits the United States has never heard of.

    Its a shame. We often think of fruit as the fruits that we see being confined in our grocery stores, however there are so many more.

  6. We call that strawberry fruit. Paul, if you are ever in Miami, there is an arboretum at UM where anyone is welcome to pick fruit. My boyfriend and I used to bring the fruit-picker and collect BAGS of black sapote, white sapote, carambola, akee, etc. Now it’s winter and I’m eating apples from my neighbor’s tree in New Zealand and missing South Florida like crazy. 🙁

  7. Hey Paul :)!
    Great video as always very interesting :)! I actually have a bunch of trees of the fruit you heard is “Capuli” the birds eat them and drop seeds all over my garden :), its actually called Aratilis here in the Philippines :). Capuli is actually completely different compared to Aratilis :). Check it out on google :). By the way the skin is edible I harvest hundreds of them every other day and their so sweet and delicious :), wonderful blended up :)!

    Blissings, Love, & Light

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