My good friend brother Joseph Israel talks about the health connection to diet. And his daughter Kava speaks about The Daylight Diet. Check out his site at
7 thoughts on “Another great interview with Singer Joseph Israel”
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Preach it brother! Just don’t forget about our savior Jesus Christ. because of his blood we are saved!
You are so correct , Yahshua is the Messiah and savior! Blessings
Joseph Israel
Respect Durian KING! Love and Joy in truth . May your new book ” Day Light Diet” catch fire in creation ,bring truth and happiness to millions! Shaul YHWH be with you..Baruch Hashem YAH
he speaks truth man
people r so dumb thinking that a change should come soon….thats the way it shoulda been from creation….sorry yall went astray.
I’m doing a documentary on life, peace, and medical marijuana. Next summer me and a couple of people are taking a road trip through the states to film this. From now to then we’re going to set up interviews with people in each state. I wear a necklace that says, “be the change you wish to see in the world”, that can explain where and what I want in life. You seem like a huge part of this, if you would like, we can keep in contact. Jah bless, keep the fire burning.
God bless