26 thoughts on “Another Jewish Believer Of Yeshua (Jesus)

  1. Great video. Have you looked into the worship and practices of the Eastern Orthodox Church. We retain the model of a Holy of Holys area, including a Tabernacle, in our Temple and much of the Divine Liturgy is modeled after Jewish worship. The OCA, the Orthodox Church of America, is all in English, as opposed to Russian, Greek, or other ethnic languages of other Orthodox churches in their respective countries. I believe we do try to keep that missing connection mentioned here. Check it out.

    • All Jews and all Christians go to hell when they die for believing a lie that their was a way made for them to avoid the wrath of God to come on them which was done before the earth was formed and now as son of the devil you get to go to hell. just read the book of John about a Jew who believed and when he died he went to hell because he was of his father

    • All Jews and all Christians go to hell when they die for the same reason they each seek to find a way to avoid the wrath of God to come on them when they die and go to hell it has been this way now for thousands of years and God does not change

  2. Oh my this was such a blessing to hear, and he’s so on point about the church. I’m a Christian, and I’ve learned a little bit of my Hebrew roots. The revelation I’ve gotten from it has been amazing!
    One thing I want to mention. If you notice in the beginning God never commanded Adam and Eve to eat meat… he didn’t command it til after the flood. I found that pretty interesting, and then to study the guidelines God set in the Bible on what to eat and what not to eat.

    • but do you know that God hates all jews and gentiles since the world was formed and he never provided a plan of salvation so as a daughter of the devil you get to go to hell when you die it was signed off before the worlds were formed.

  3. Ran out of room. My Dad and step mother made a good point to me yesterday. That the law of sowing and reaping is a constant. That if you don’t eat right you’re going to pay for it later, thus reaping what you’ve soon. Not to mention our bodies are suppose to be the Temple of God, and we should take care of it.

  4. I am so happy for you finding Jesus as Lord. I understand your point on the roots of the hebrew OT. I also think the NT was written in the common greek for a good reason. The old hebrew scriptures can be understood in many ways and the NT writters inspired have interpreted the hebrew correctly and that’s where the difference is. the old testament gives a lot of insight into healthy living and eating and it has saved us from getting sick for sure because God desires our health.

    • Matthew Mark and Luke are written the Hebraic Greek having no pronouns and the remaining 24 are the Profane greek of the evil and wicked Church of those who seek to find a way to avoid the wrath of God which was assigned to them before the worlds were formed

    • In Luke you are reading of one who was a judean and not a Jew for he condemned them tens times to hell when they die as sons of he devil

  5. This is disheartening. Stop reading the bible backwards. Christian jews are being targeted and being told this beautiful story about a messiah dying for their sins and that lie is attached to the torah and some jews fall for it. Jews do you remember when the torah says that human sacrifice is forbidden and that you’re to die for your own sins. You don’t even need a sacrifice to go to G-d and repent. Yeshua (a greek demigod) is not the messiah or a messiah at all. Very disheartening

    • But he was a Jew and like all Jew he was of his father the devil and when he died he went to hell like all Jews will do as they are hated and rejected by God since the world was formed

  6. I was raised catholic. A baptist minister showed me the truth. But, along my journey something was missing. Many things didn’t make sense because I am not a Jew. A Jew would understand how much Christ relates to the bible in everything He did and taught. So, I started questioning the sabbath. This never made sense to me. I think non Jewish Christians are doing the best we can. But, understanding on many things is lost. This is why it is good to have a Jewish believer teach us about Jesus.

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