A viewer was upset with me for suggesting that makeup and jewelry are not modest or healthy. Here is my reply to that comment.


24 thoughts on “Are Makeup and Jewelry Modest?

  1. So true. I agree. And what you said about makeup being toxic is so true. I wear a light amount of BareMinerals on my face now and then, but I am not attached to it. And I look very natural with it. My personal challenge is with my wardrobe- it is so hard to find modest clothing. Lol. But you can bet I try!! Because I am going out each day to please and serve God not men. I don’t need to look like a harlot or clown to be happy 🙂

  2. Thank You, Paul! I am always inspired and challenged by your videos! As time goes on.. I find the sweet quiet voice of, Hashem speaking to my heart! YHVH’s ways , whether health laws or Torah.. Are meant to guide us, lead us into health and life.. Along with, G-d’s blessings! I also am enjoying books written by, Rabbi Shalom Arush. I look forward to reading , The Garden of Emuna ( Faith) . I have heard you mention a book by him. Chabad, has taught me so much about modesty. It is all areas. TY!

  3. What a refreshing thing.. To grow in the true Beauty of Holiness.. I feel excited to feel a new sense of dignity in my heart. I look forward to changing more to, G-d’s Glory and leaving many old ways behind me. Bless you and bless Hashem Always! Shalom, Brother Paul

  4. I think what you are trying to say here is that women are made truly beautiful through growth with our Creator.  I sell makeup for a living.  Before, I rarely wore makeup unless it was a special occasion or attending church service.  The reason being, I am beautiful by worldly standards.  I’m not Cindy Crawford or anything but attractive none the less.  In my youth, men looked at me for the wrong reasons.  I was treated less intelligent by women. Both are not true.  I have a lot of things inside of me that I want to be valued for.  I am more than meets the eye.  It took me a very long time to come to terms with who I am without hiding from people.

    While I believe some women are obsessed with wearing makeup, I also see a number of women at my counter who are VERY insecure in how they look.  They pick themselves apart.  We as women need to wake up to all of the lies the media uses as a weapon against us and recognize that others are decieved in mass quantities.  G-d created women beautiful with a multitude of gifts and talents to share with the world.  He fabricated us specifically for his purposes and that is where our beauty and worth is really.  However, as long as you are not wearing makeup to be “sexy”, draw attention to your beauty, or out of insecurity, I see no problem with a woman wearing makeup.  You must be aware of the ingredients in the products, too.  

    The makeup and skin treatments I sell are designed with anti-oxidants and infused with vitamins to treat and protect the skin.  G-d designed a woman to be beautiful but our society constantly brainwashes us that we are not beautiful enough.  This is a blatant lie.  The Creator designed us the way He desired and women need to remind themselves of this when they look in a mirror.   We are fearfully and wonderfully made.  That is where true beauty lies.  Most of all, in wearing clothing, makeup, and jewelry it is about balance.  You can be classy without worshiping worldly things.  You can be beautiful without makeup.  You just need to realize your worth apart from things of the world ladies.  Thank you for your commentary on this subject.

  5. It takes a mature person to listen to these truths. I know it has taken time for the Lord to change these things in me. It was a slow loving process he has brought me to this place I now am. Yes I use a very small amount of make up and a very small amount of jewelry. But my heart has been changed and I have a better understanding of what pleases my Lord and I love pleasing him. Knowing he was enamored and captivated with me even before I did all the changing really helped me feel good about my self and helped the process greatly. What a wonderful God we serve. Take joy in this process of changing into his image. Let him refine you into a beautiful vessel of honor. He love you so much. Thanks for words shared with all humbleness and kindness. In a loving way of being . So like our Lord. God Bless you and your richly.

  6. I find your videos to be very eye opening, humbling, honest, and sincere. I have prayed and thought about your points, and although I cannot completely abide by your suggestions to perfection, I will say, that your words have definitely made me reevaluate myself and my intentions behind my decisions of my appearance… For me, the key in my heart I suppose, is balance… I can dress (clothes, hair, make-up, jewelry) in a respectable way, in a way in which I am trendy, yet classy and modest. Thank you for your message, keep doing what you’re doing! God Bless!

  7. you know, Paul, I find it so peaceful & refreshing what you teach about women & modesty. I live in silicon valley where there is alot of vanity & superficiality. I’ve dated a couple of women who were beautiful (with make up), one of whom took 3 HOURS in the salon one night to color & style her hair.
    I found after a 3rd week date how vain, superficial & judgemental she was (high maintenance).
    within a couple of weeks she badly busted my heart, going back with her ex (I guess my grass wasn’t green enough), even making up LIES (which hurt me the most, not less).

    Now when I see those women who draw attention to themselves by their shoes, their hair, or make up, that vanity turns me OFF!
    (BECAUSE, as attractive as I found them, it turns out it was ALL about THEM. )

    VANITY is profanity and pride is the sin.

    thank God for modest women.

    (and, yes, I do know of a couple of women who Do look (sexy but) clown-ish with their painted on eyebrows and bright colored lips.

    To the creator goes the glory! (not the creation)

  8. I agree less is more with makeup. Keep it vegan, cruelty free and mineral, less toxic options when possible.

  9. God free me from make up.
    It’s all about to know who you are in God,I don’t need make up to look nice.
    Yes that’s a self esteem issue!!!

  10. I dress modestly and was taught that from a very young age. I grew up in church and was there every chance I got. I wanted to please the Lord more than my peers. I was made fun of for being a humble person and very quiet. I used to wear a little makeup back then but mostly just let my hair on my head grow and put in a ponytail sometimes. Now I am older and still dress modestly and I don’t wear any makeup because it clogs my pores and breaks me out. I also let the hair on my head still grow. People have told me I should get my hair cut but I say no. They ask why and I say because it is my heritage. Not only is my ancestors Jewish because of where we all came from but also I have Native American ancestors and Native American cousins. I am mostly European because of my DNA because of my dad’s side but my mom’s side is mostly Native American. I also have gray in my hair naturally even though I am 37. I also let the hair on my arms stay there. I don’t shave my arms likely have seen some of my friends do. I was set apart at a very young age. I started talking to our Creator when I was only 5 years old. I went to church with my Granny. My parents and siblings did not go but I went every time without them. I wanted to please the Lord and follow him. When I followed him and did not listen to the world then my parents got saved one by one and also my siblings. I can say he used a little child. I have always been happy because of my Saviour and the day I got saved on my living room floor at 11 years old is a day I will never forget. I started to cry because I could feel Jesus was right beside me and I could feel so much love and he was calling me to him. I could not hold back the tears. It was then I got saved. It felt like Jesus was physically right beside me but I could not see him. He has changed my life forever. He has healed me on multiple occasions and I guess you could say brought be back from death when I stopped breathing at birth. The doctors did cpr to bring me back and I feel Jesus was right there.

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