At Passover remember the blood of Yeshua
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Music by Joseph Israel
At Passover remember the blood of Yeshua
For More Bible Videos:
Music by
Music by Joseph Israel
Hey Paul. Do you know of any good books/study guides to learn Hebrew?
I am an Ethiopian Orthodox Christian, We celebrate Easter than Passover but when when I study the bible it says Jesus is our passover.Nowonwards I will celebrate Passover.
Shalom Shalom Brother Paul! Very important to keep the Passover to the best of our ability! ABBA YHWH knows that we are truly trying to please HIM as long as we are attempting to live by HIS Torah and doing our best to keep HIS appointed times!
Shalom Paul and friends,
Yeshua is the Lamb that Saves the World.
Yeshua is Our Passover Lamb.
Yeshua is the Way, Truth and Light of the World. Amen
Thanks my brother Paul
Your brother
I was wondering about this. Last night I was looking for something and typed in Passover and I noticed that there were passages for us to keep to Passover on the 14th day of the first month, but then I saw other passages that referred to observing Passover on the 14th of the second month of the calender year. I was doing a search so it was highlighting passages that had that keyword so I wasn’t able to read to context and it was very late but I thought it was strange that there was a time by different groups that were not recognizing on the date we were told to keep it. This year will be my first Passover and am very excited about it. Getting sick of hearing about Easter being pushed everywhere knowing the actual meaning and pagan significance however. :/ Kind of funny no one is pushing for you to get a new crockpot for you to being to your Passover celebration! Anyway, Shaloam my friend. Hope you have a wonderful time with your family!