20 thoughts on “Believe Surrender Trust

  1. This is amazing. I was just in the middle of writing my personal outline on things that I want to accomplish in my life for this year and you message came to my inbox. Thank you so much for delivering the word of GOD to my life an a daily basis. 

  2. Rabbi, as usual you are filled with timeless wisdom from God.  I so APPRECIATE your weekly word from the Lord.  As someone who carries way too many tasks and goals around in my head, this particular message spoke to me in a powerful way.– Thank You!

  3. This is exactly what I needed right now.  I am trying to sell my home and there is so much competition plus all the real estate agents that are trying to devour a piece of yourself by intimidating you that it’s very easy to forget the promises of God.  I rely on Him and I know He will help me.  Thank you Rabbi for all your wisdom.  Your wise words are always healing to my soul.

  4. Amen rabbi, just started my second semester and was already feeling frustrated about details. The peace of Christ is now upon me and now upon you; in Jesus name. AMEN

  5. Thank you Rabbi Schneider. I remember in 2001 when I first was paralyzed I was crying to God because this was not what was in my life plan. All I could ever hear Him say was “Trust me”. Now I’m actually happy because I’ve seen Him answer so many of my prayers and I’ve come to know Him in a much greater capacity. I have truly fallen madly in love with my Savior and I now trust Him like never before. He truly met me where I was at and revealed Himself to me. I am happy because I have found and now live in God’s direct will for my life. All He ever wanted from us is our love and trust.

  6. Thank you so much, exactly what I needed to hear! My God is so good, all the time, in the high waves of life and in the calm, H is there and He is love. ‘Love you’ to all my brothers and sisters in His incredible Kingdom…to be alive at such a time as this xxx

  7. Another Great teaching, I know exactly what you mean.  It was if you were watching my life, & diagnosing it . Thank You JESUS my LORD GOD SAVIEYOR my ALL! 
    Also Thank you Rabbi Schneider, truly the LORD has spoken through you this day to me.

  8. Thank you! This message really spoke to me! I am always running for my notepad to write down every little thing down that the Lord shows me. Being a perfectionist, I often get concerned about all the small details, or forgetting to write things down, or the opportunities I may be missing which the Holy Spirit is prompting me to seize. Just this morning I dreamed that I went to someone and preached to them, but when I woke up I wasn’t sure what I could say to them, or whether I was ready to speak to them—maybe I need to study the Bible more before I can speak to them? But after hearing this wonderful message I am now persuaded just to go and do it—to forget about having all the little details perfect and simply to walk forward, trusting God to give me the words as necessary. This is Christ’s body working beautifully. 🙂

  9. Some will enter in this winter and will ascend into the fullness of the expressions of the Lord that are awaiting them. Some will not yield to this invitation, so they will remain on the level that they currently are on. Some will harden, and turn back and will mock and persecute that which is about to emerge and greatly shine. Even some of Jesus own disciples turned and left the Lord and no longer followed Him when it was important to stay near to Him even when they did not understand the future. Susan O Marra

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