Did you know that most physicists have placed their careers and lives on the line for something they believe in but have yet to ever see? or that most of the known laws of the universe were brought to us by believers in the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob? In this teaching, Brad Scott teaches and shows that you cannot believe in a creator that is anything other than conforming to the actual facts of the universe. Brad explains how having an attitude of, "there’s no rhyme or reason to the commandments of God, they are just rituals that can make us look different than others” is beneficial neither to the next generation nor to us since we will have to give an account for what we taught our children. Brad passionately displays that God does have a reason for what He does and is much smarter than we are. In fact, He is completely in sync with the facts of the universe. Join us as we learn from scripture and science that God is smarter than we are!
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Thank you Brad for your inspired insights into our heavenly Father’s instructions. You are a blessing to my family and I.
thanks Brad, this whole lesson that you are sharing, is like looking into a Window that was foggy, but has now become clear.
also, I find myself Lol. becuz you are very funny.
all the while learning more about Yahweh’s truth.
Brad, what do you do with the verses below when you consider matter, truth, and energy. What He is uncovering is cosmology, the sun and moon and stars are local, they are in the firmament. This was revealed to me by reading the Word. As you teach you must accept that truth comes out whether it fits our current understanding or obliterates it.
Gen 1: 14,15 Then God said, “Let there be lights IN the firmament of the heavens to DIVIDE the DAY from the NIGHT; and let them be for signs and seasons, and for days and years; and let them be for LIGHTS IN the firmament of the HEAVENS to GIVE light ON the earth”; and it was so.
I was led to your teachings and the confirmation I’m receiving is food for my soul.
Thank you for making this available to me and anyone else seeking His face.