In today's video I interview Jeremy Safron who reveals the real deal about raw chocolate known as cacao. Did you ever wonder why and when people in the raw food movement starting claiming it was healthy? This interview covers that and so much more. It may save your life!
20 thoughts on “Cacao-Raw Chocolate is toxic!”
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thank you for affirming what I suspected. Is the cacao plant the same one the south american mountain people chew to stave off hunger?
how about cocaine? or am I confused?
all I can say is that cacao is much healthier than almonds…
I would love to try whole carob pods. Can you give us a link where to order these Paul (or anybody else)?
Debbie *Ü*
Thank you for sharing Paul! I find this very interesting and helpful. I think you said carob was used as money once, where was it? I do know the Maya used cacao as money once, learning carob was used as money as well is interesting.
i love carob and carob pods. it is sweet and delicious!
i always thought cacoa was a scam and a drug.
thanks Paul…
When I first tried a raw lifestyle back in 1990 there was no such thing as so called super foods.
I tried cacao one time and it made my chest hurt. Now I just enjoy food as nature intended us to eat.
One possible problem with it could be a higher risk of parkinsons disease. 😉 research it!
I had adrenal burnout from one tablespoon a day… people should know the truth
Ok, my issue with this video is that no scientific evidence is presented. It’s simply “Trust me, it’s bad. I said so.” What is the evidence? What in it is “toxic”? I’d love to see the evidence. Your cholesterol was high due to consuming too many MCTs, does that mean they aren’t beneficial? Nope. Just means don’t over do it(which should be common sense).
Jeanne_Calment 122 yr old woman that ate over 2lbs of chocolate a week.was it raw? dont know. there are many foods that are toxic i noticed. even kale, the most nutritious green leaf there is, is toxic. we can say that about many things we eat. i wonder if it is a matter of how much we eat perhaps? trying to make sense of all this. i was shocked to hear alfapha sprouts were toxic. i mean come on, you know?
I did some research on cacao. There is NO clinical evidence of any kind of toxicity. In mice, liver function IMPROVED from use. A study of two Indian tribes, one that made a drink of it and one that didn’t use at all, the users lived longer and healthier. Now, clearly you raw foodies are abusing the food. If you eat a couple whole bars of 85% cocoa chocolate bars every day, definitely not good either. Mood swings? Watch what happens in an office where a coffee maker breaks down 😉 MODERATION…
I’ve just seen this video because I ordered some raw cacao powder on the internet, got it yesterday and made a nice big avocado-banana-chocolate treat from that…afterwards I became very dizzy and had to take a looong nap. In the evening, while working out, I was totally powerless and nearly felt like throwing up. I slept very badly last night and today I experimented with some raw cocoapowder and cocoa butter to make my own “healthy” chocolate…
…after the first abundant taste-testing :), I feel very dizzy and nauseated again and finally thought about the cocoa being the culprit…man…that ain’t funny…no kidding…I feel like crap! No more (raw) cocoa for me…..
Sorry you had to learn the hard way but I’m glad you learned before you got in big trouble.
There is nothing wrong with Raw Cacao assuming you are not on MAOI’s or have a heart condition. If you eat an abundance of it, it will have an effect similar to that of drinking a lot of coffee or chewing khat. You may get a bit tweeked out. Moderation children. Moderation.
So if the raw cacoa is bad for you does that make chocolate and all the benefits of dark chocolate worse?
Why don’t they ever specify the ‘negative’ results of raw cocao?!!! He just say ‘negative,’ results w/o enumerating anything!!!!!
MODERATION is the new buzz word for MORON.
men who have not sold there soles
Raw Cacao beans is raw. The rest is processed.
Quit calling things raw when they have been processed by man.