A viewer told me we can't follow the law's of God so I should stop trying and be more loving. This video is my reply.


20 thoughts on “Can We Follow All The Laws Of God?

  1. @FuNnYBoNeTiCklEs I absolutely agree with you. Stay blessed. I will be praying for my brother cause he was called to do the Father’s will. And with that comes great persecution. Shalom!

  2. Amen! The law (directions, instruction & teachings for life) have NOT been done away with.

    I am uploading a video on this very subject right now!


  3. @davegooley All I’m saying is for gentiles to be careful. I don’t see many messianic shuls going out to the streets to proclaimthe Gospel in these last days and seeking the lost. They are mre concerned with blowing Shofarim and checking Tzit Tzit knots and the attractiveness of Chasidic traditions. This can actually be a tool used by satan to distract from the meatier matters. WINNING THE LOST! To focus on how a person pronounces the name Yeshua or Jesus is a trick straight fromsatan

  4. I try to explain to people about the Messianic faith and that “grace” does not do away with “law” (Torah). People think I’m nuts. How do I help them understand what I am trying to show them? The Lord has been leading me in this direction for many years but I just recently have opened up about my faith and the path I am taking. People look at me like I have 3 heads and they tell me that I need to get back with the “christian” church. Help!

  5. I have tried to explain it that way but they are so indoctrinated that they refuse to see what I am trying to show them. Sometimes I feel all alone.

  6. @davegooley Thats just it friend. I grew upin an orthodox Jewish homeand even in the Messianic Shuls you cannot escape mixing in the traditions of the Chachamin. Therin lies the danger. I am a Jew and I observe Shabbos and Kosher and Moedim but I also fellowship with my gentile brethren in Christ and go out into the streets proclaiming Yeshua or to the gentiles JESUS. You don’t see the Messianics doing any street witnessing. There more involved in traditions and ways to do them.

  7. @davegooley Thats good friend. I have to say that here in Los Angeles,CA,I have not seen that at all and I’m out and about all over the city daily. I surely hope to see that here one day. I’ve asked them to join mebut instead they say that I’m telling people the wrong name. That it should be Yeshua and not Jeus that I say, I’m a jew and theyer telling me this. Incredible!. That semantics game gets satan very amused. Whats the end result? They don’t go out to street preach.

  8. Do you know what I should say to people when they try to tell me that we don’t come under the Mosiac law because Yeshua did away with that or it was for the israelites. What should I say to counter act that?

  9. Tell them to read Deut 29:14-15, it explains that the covenant is for everyone. Then, tell them to read these New Testament verses: Matt 4:4, Matt 5:17-19, Matt 19:16-17, Luke 24:44, John 5:46-47, John 14:15, John 14:21, John 15:10, Acts 18:21, Acts 20:16, Acts 24:14, Rom 2:13, Rom 3:31, Rom 5:13, Rom 6:15, Rom 7:12, James 2:10, I John 2:4, I John 3:4, I John 5:2-3, Rev 22:14.

  10. Also, this is a good point to bring up: if the law is a dead letter, then does that mean it’s okay to practice witchcraft or commit incest? Why do some churches quote the Torah and say to not to get tattoos but on the same token, they’ll tell people to eat unclean food? You can’t pick and choose which laws to follow. If you break one, you break all of them (James 2:10). Sin is defined in the Bible as transgression of the law (I John 3:4). We can’t use our heart to define sin (Jer 17:9).

  11. Here’s two good allegories to use. Suppose someone is caught smoking marijuana and a cop is about to arrest them. The person says, “Officer, I don’t believe in following all of the law, I believe only some of it applies to me. Will you show me mercy and just let me go?”
    If you wouldn’t do that to a police officer, why would you do that to God?
    People will make every effort to follow all 200,000 pages of federal U.S. law code but can’t be bothered to follow the Bible.

  12. A good allegory to use for parents. Suppose your child says, “Mom, dad, I don’t believe in following everything you say, because that’s legalism. I know you’ll always love and forgive me no matter what, so I’ll choose not to obey you and do whatever I want.”
    A parent would be furious if they heard this…how do you think God feels when His children to this to Him?


  14. Admittedly I have not seen all your videos. But in many of them you seem to be refuting common held beliefs of Christendom. Primarily the arguments that say Christians do not have to obey the “law” b/c they have a new covenant that allows them walk according to the Spirit w/o having to obey God. What I think is interesting though is that Ezekial 36:27 actually states that Spirit filled believers will keep God’s commandments.

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