An animated explanation of the Old Testament Law
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There are 613 Laws in the Old Testament. We visualize the story of the law and how it is fulfilled in Jesus.

The Bible Project is a non-profit creating animated videos that explain the narrative of the Bible. These videos are free to use for personal and educational use. Download a full resolution version of this video along with a study guide at

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About the authors:

Tim Mackie is a Pastor of Door of Hope church and a Professor at Western Seminary.

Jon Collins is a founder of Epipheo and Sincerely Truman and a veteran explainer video producer.

The first installment of our new Word Studies series is a six-part exploration of the ancient biblical prayer called “The Shema” (found in Deuteronomy 6:4-6). For thousands of years Jewish people have daily prayed these words which summarize the Bible’s call for faithfulness and devotion to God. We will explore all of the key words in this prayer and what they meant in their original language and historical context.

The "Holy Spirit” is a phrase in the Bible used to describe the mystery and power of God’s personal presence. In this video we explore the original Hebrew meaning of the word “spirit/breath,” and how understanding this can help you see the storyline of the entire Bible in a whole new way.

The second installment of our Word Studies series is a six-part exploration of the ancient biblical prayer called “The Shema” (found in Deuteronomy 6:4-6). For thousands of years Jewish people have daily prayed these words which summarize the Bible’s call for faithfulness and devotion to God. We will explore all of the key words in this prayer and what they meant in their original language and historical context.

Restoring Hebrew Roots To Christians
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Tel: (347) 395-4422

For Christians Seeking Knowledge Of Their Hebraic Roots…