NOTE: YouTube has decided to remove the original "A History of the True Hebrews" video and give our channel a copyright strike. This is due to the copyright of one image displayed for about 10 seconds in the video. The copyright owner is a man who goes by Mr. N3K, whom we reached out to in private. He refused to hear us, so the matter is now public. His website is:

— A concise look at the history of the chosen people of Yah, the nation of Israel. This documentary traces their journey from the split into two kingdoms in ancient times to the siege of Jerusalem in 70 AD and their sojourn in a strange land before being scattered among the nations. And we also address who they are today and what fate awaits them.
Intro Music Credit:
Hadarah BatYah
“HalaluYah Now I live”

— A free verse poem about the forced scattering of the people of Israel, who, in the distant lands of their captivity, are now returning to the Most High Yah as prophesied.

Download the audio for this set apart poem here:

Music composed by Scott Buckley.

— We look at “eternal fire” as used in three verses of the Messianic Writings, as well as the concept of eternal punishment, which Christianity has long embraced. But has this concept been properly interpreted?

— In today’s story, a little girl named Gail will learn that even she can give of herself to a level that is considered her very best.

Download the podcast of this LKP Treasure Trove here:

— A free verse poem that details the history of true Israel having its identity stolen by its white oppressors, against whom they struggle to obtain basic human rights.

Download the audio for this set apart poem here:

Music composed by Scott Buckley.

— Part five in a loose, non-chronological series, this episode of The Spirit of the Law focuses on the tent of meeting, or dwelling-place, which the people of Israel constructed according to the temple pattern shown to Moses. But what does the tent of meeting represent in our lives today?

— In today’s story, a teenager named Tristan will act as a land agent for a Gentile couple, which prepares him to be Yah’s Promised Land agent for the people of Israel.

Download the podcast of this LKP Treasure Trove here:

— A free verse poem that takes us on a journey through Yah’s created world, encompassing lush land, bird-filled sky, and teeming seas.

Download the audio for this set apart poem here:

Music composed by Joseph Earwicker.

– Capitalism is the final de facto religion to emerge on the world stage, which it quickly dominates. Meanwhile, Christianity, which is given two thousand years to flourish—as seen in key Scriptural events and prophecies—is integral to the system of the two beasts of Revelation 13. The identity of that second beast is also revealed, allowing us to mark our place on the prophetic timeline.

Access the entire podcast by clicking the link below:

— Part four in a loose, non-chronological series, this episode of The Spirit of the Law focuses on the kinsman-redeemer, one who is a close relative with the legal right, per Torah, to restore or preserve that which was lost by his family members. The spiritual substance of this law has immense and eternal implications.

— In today’s story, a teenage girl named Kayla will see the error of her ways and strive to be a good neighbor to someone who is not one of her people.

Download the podcast of this LKP Treasure Trove here: .

– As Christian denominations spread throughout the colonies, sans the support or protection of any central government, they each found a way to gain a foothold while learning to tolerate one another. Within this new environment, and surrounded by unbelievers as they were, a series of revivals took place that led to two Great Awakenings. This in turn led to the birth of several new harlot daughters of Mystery Babylon.

Access the entire podcast by clicking the link below:

Restoring Hebrew Roots To Christians
CIF: 000000
215-25 Hollis Avenue, Suite 101
CP: 11429 Queens Village (U.S.A.)
Tel: (347) 395-4422

For Christians Seeking Knowledge Of Their Hebraic Roots…