SHABBAT Truth Celebration of Torah
"Why Was Yahshua Made A Little Lower Than The Malakim?"!!
Zawkane Yahrameyah Speaking.

Zawkane YahrameYah YisraYah will be Teaching a POWERFUL Teaching on "Why Was Yahshua Made A Little Lower Than The Malakim"!!! A great Teaching for The Bayit YisraYah!! PLEASE JOIN US FOR THE CELEBRATION!!

Opening of the 2009 Feast of Trumpets singing We Celebrate YAHWEH and with the Shofar in in YAHWEHs Tabernacle at Victory Community Celebrating and worshiping YAHWEH ALMIGHTY in YAHSHUA. For the complete video of the Feast visit:

This is a Teaching that will open up our "UNDERSTANDING" in a profound way on "Melchizedek The Man", His Identity, Where is He From, What HE Represented, Is He YHWHSHUA???… and the "QUESTIONS" go on and on. We will "EXAMINE" his "pedigree" from YHWH's origin!! This is a very interesting teaching of importance to understanding the pattern (s) of Torah Truth, plan, purpose and so on!! I want you to join me on tonight!!

Melchizedek The Man – The Bread ad the Wine Offering – YHWHSHUA? This is a Teaching that will open up our "UNDERSTANDING" in a profound way on "Melchizedek The Man", His Identity, Where is He From, What HE Represented, Is He YHWHSHUA???… and the "QUESTIONS" go on and on. We will "EXAMINE" his "pedigree" from YHWH's origin!! This is a very interesting teaching of importance to understanding the pattern (s) of Torah Truth, plan, purpose and so on!! I want you to join me on tonight!!

One of the most "IMPORTANT" things Melchizedek did was to bring the offering of "Bread and Wine" to Avram. You will be blessed d in this Teaching.

This is the "FINALITY" and it will be The LAST MESSAGE of "The Man From The Heart of The Sea"……YOU DO NOT WANT TO MISS THIS FINALITY of this EPIC TEACHING… "The Signs – MY Son Revealed" Awaken! Awaken Kole YisraYah'ale!! A Truth of Great Proportion…that will shed Light on this Revelation of Ezra, revealing to The Nation "Who Is This Man that is Revealed in "The Signs – MY Son"!! This "FINALITY" will RESOLVE all issues that are not answered in the desire to understand all Truth……..PLEASE, PLEASE DO NOT MISS THIS FINALITY!!!

Restoring Hebrew Roots To Christians
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Tel: (347) 395-4422

For Christians Seeking Knowledge Of Their Hebraic Roots…