Having children and discovering the Torah lifestyle has set this woman apart. Her views and appearance have transformed thanks to the Torah LIfe.
You can view her modest group on Facebook at this link:
Having children and discovering the Torah lifestyle has set this woman apart. Her views and appearance have transformed thanks to the Torah LIfe.
You can view her modest group on Facebook at this link:
Why is there such an argument about this woman’s faith? She is simply sharing with viewers how Abba has opened her eyes to see His Truth and the changes that have come about in accepting it. This does not mean you have to agree with her, she is simply sharing what she has come to believe is right before Him.
Pricilla is beautiful…….
Shabbat Shalom!
Sister, praise Yahuah for your awakening. Welcome to the family of Yasharal! Let we warn you, this is a journey of sacrifices for our Ab Yah, and it is all worth it considering how he sacrificed himself for us. Much barakah akot!
I really enjoyed watching this video.
+Portland581 Me too!
My brother is in a Baptist church. Talks “Christian”, but no fruit there that I can see anyway. He watches TV “Messianic” shows and then tells me what I believe. He comes up with some pretty off the wall things at times. He has a “prophetess” that advises him and includes things about me in her prophesies. Priscillia’s testimony has helped me understand why he stays there.
I have rearranged my life to a very simple, almost Amish, lifestyle that includes head covering and modesty of dress as well as behavior. I was the black sheep of the family and was heavily into sin. Therefore, for me to change it required more than most of the Truth – it required ALL the Truth. This included keeping the Sabbath and the true Feast days.
It was easier for me to do these changes than it was for Priscillia because I wasn’t leaving a church with partial truths. I have noticed that people love their half-truths and become defensive if you point them out or chose to not believe them.
I am praying for this Messianic message to spread. At present there are pockets of believers and new converts must move to have fellowship. Then they become comfortable and feast on the Truth.
I am praying that Yah calls some to step away from the table and start other congregations. Those not able to move to cities with congregations should not be criticized for “doing it alone”, however. Instead, large congregations should send out “missionaries” to other areas so that they too can form outlying congregations.
I think “in-home” churches could be set up fairly cheaply. Where there are scattered believers who, like me, are unable to lead or preach – the larger churches could send out preachers and teachers. Once the home starts to fill, then they can start considering a full time preacher with a building.
I strongly believe that if this were done, the church landscape would change dramatically. Lots of small fires rather than a few large bonfires would be far more effective at reaching the lost.
ננסי טראוטמן. I just now looked up what messianic Jewish is . I did not know there was a faith that seems to be Christian and Jewish . Kinda makes sense to me since Jesus was Jewish. I am being lead to cover my hair and dress modestly
People worry too much about small things, instead of the truth, like who cares what a person wears? Is it more important than the condition of your heart? Than how you treat your neighbor? Than having the fruit of The Spirit, like compassion, love, etc.? God did not chose Moses b/c of what he wore, Moses was chosen like Joseph, Esther, etc. by God for His Glory, not man’s purposes or their interpretations of what they think or how someone should wear clothes or what they should eat. I was Chosen by God, I did not chose him, and so many others before the foundation of the earth. Nobody, not even Satan himself can change that fact! Now, eat on that meat.
Yes the heart condition is the point & God knows the condition of our hearts ….if you choose to rebel and dismiss his instructions especially the big ones, once you accept forgiveness through Christ you show ignorance of the benefit of following the instructions for life which is actually the eternal constitution of the Kingdom of God. We also show contempt for the blood of Christ. The NT says no-one continues to sin who is in Christ and 1John 3:4 tells us sin is breaking the Law. Most Christians show contempt for God without even knowing it as I did by choosing to use pagan worship practise to worship Him when He expressly said not to do that because He had given us who believe Festival times for us to come together and worship Him in His desired way instead of pagan ones sprinkled with manmade water to say they are clean like Easter & Christmas. How Jesus’ heart must weep at all those who do not keep His words to us or follow His example to us. Jesus always kept & spoke the words of the Father which you can see in the NT each time Jesus was at the Temple for a commanded Festival & kept the Sabbath but not the commandments of men. The Church Fathers are Abraham Isaac & Jacob known as Israel not Marcion & the rebels of Gnosticism who degraded the truth of the Scriptures. The gates of pearl in New Jerusalem in Revelation are named after the 12 tribes of Israel & some of the letters in the NT are addressed to the tribes of Israel in the dispersion. Every person can be led by the Spirit to teach them at their own pace the wonder of the Word of God if they choose to be humble instead of following a crowd. May we follow the Lamb wherever He goes & not man. Jesus only ate clean food because it is the word of God & prayer( thankful heart to God ) that make it clean in Leviticus. Noah even knew what clean & unclean animals were before the Law was written down by Moses so they could teach the mixed multitude that come out of Egypt with the Israelites that had learnt to idol worship there too. Mat 5:17-19 Jesus says the Law stands for your reward of least to great in the Kingdom of God( not for Salvation which is by Faith just like Abraham who kept the commandments that had been passed down through generations verbally. Perhaps John 3:36 would show you obedience is part of the deal after accepting Salvation. Also if you keep reading Peter’s vision about the animals that came down in the sheet; Peter interprets it to mean I should not call any MAN unclean. It had nothing to do with making unclean food clean for NT believers. Look carefully & you will find most of those who are found by Christ don’t know Him because we fail to understand He IS the Word of God made Flesh & Jesus didn’t come to do away with Himself. Blessings of understanding we are saved by faith because of His Grace extended to us but then we are like the adulterous women who is told to go and sin no more. If we don’t know Torah by the Spirit & perform it by Faith we just keep on sinning or have faith without works of righteousness which James talks about…………. Love in Messiah FJ
Obedience is better than sacrifice
1 Corinthians 11 and Genesis 6 tell us why to cover our heads when praying and prophecying. Genesis 32 tells us prostitutes were face veil. What one wears is symbolic for identification and provides a disciplined and structured life.
Gorgeous Move.
I am a believer in Yeshua and i feel extremely drawn to cover my head. and submit to god. accepting yeshua and recieving his holy spirit does not make us free to go around doing what we want. we need to be very careful. the devil/enemy deceives. we are a set apart people….i am drawn to cover my head and i have just ordered 2 headscarfs….i am not decieved infact i have been dragged back into sin by thinking i can do what i want as jesus has paid the price for me…….wrong. pour out your spirit lord and humble us to SUBMIT TO YOU AND YOUR GLORIOUS LOVING WAYS. let us not be decieved.
Rebecca Mawson
The True God = *The Father of Jesus Christ*
The Trinity Doctrine = *Breaking the 1st Commandment*
Trinitarians will NOT make it to HEAVEN if they keep WORSHIPPING a false Trinity god.
Trinitarians must REPENT if they want to be saved.
And to Stop them from Denying Facts and Listening to the Lies…
The Trinity doctrine is a creation of Satan and was brought into Christendom by the Catholic Church more than 200 years AFTER the Bible was written to steal souls from the kingdom.
The souls lost will be anyone deceived enough to follow the Papal Church and Satan’s creation.
Such people typically just ASSUME.
The Bible was in fact written by Jews and the Jews have NEVER believed in the Trinity doctrine !
and they have NEVER taught that the Holy Spirit is a third god !
NOT in the beginning and still NOT today !
Not ever !
So how can the authors of the Bible be referring to a third god when they have NEVER taught or believed that ever ?!
And yet most are so indoctrinated with the lie they will ignore this fact also.
So brainwashed in fact the deceived say “GOD THE SON” and “GOD THE HOLY SPIRIT” and yet the Bible NEVER EVER uses these phrases !
Not EVER !
These phrases came from the CATHOLIC CHURCH, not the BIBLE !
Most of the so called Christians in this world are brainwashed and deceived !
They follow their Pastors and Religious Leaders !
NOT the Word of God.
The indoctrinated and prejudiced will deny every fact and will respond with a variety of ignorance.
And we wonder why most are going through the wide gate.
The intelligent people will ask questions and will want to learn and see if this is true !
Most people are sheeple, so most will not ask.
“Idle minds welcomes deception. Deceivers can only show what no one considered or meant to know” I have spoken out against this fraudulent backward “religious sect’. The deception is that one must undo the grace of GOD via CHRIST’S completed work of salvation unto redemption by keeping the law via the works of the unclean flesh…NEWS FLASH and SPOILER ALERT!! CHRIST IS THE END (COMPLETION) FOR THE LAW OF RIGHTEOUSNESS…the Torah is written on our hearts, that is the keeping of THE WHOLE LAW, which is CHRIST THE WORD WHO became flesh or human in order to redeem humans. PEACE
She’s so pretty
1st ..she’s smart.
2nd ..she’s Beautiful inside.
3rd…She is indeed beautiful to the eye of the “Beholder”.
what a beautiful stand for the Word of YHVH. Torah is instruction that Abba gave His set apart people. we are in the world but not of it. Yeshua did not do away with the “Law” He came to fulfill it. we must begin to see that to Love Him is to OBEY Him. So those who diligently seek Him will find Him therefore we do according to His Word. not my will but Thy will be done in our lives. how can He bless us if we are not obedient. so this is not a step backwards but a step closer to the the Father and His throne room of grace. Praise Abba for your obedience. Shalom
what a beautiful stand for the Word of YHVH. Torah is instruction that Abba gave His set apart people. we are in the world but not of it. Yeshua did not do away with the “Law” He came to fulfill it. we must begin to see that to Love Him is to OBEY Him. So those who diligently seek Him will find Him therefore we do according to His Word. not my will but Thy will be done in our lives. how can He bless us if we are not obedient. so this is not a step backwards but a step closer to the the Father and His throne room of grace. Praise Abba for your obedience. Shalom
Proverb 7:1-3
My son, keep my words,
and lay up my commandments with thee.
Keep my commandments, and live;
and my law as the apple of thine eye.
Bind them upon thy fingers,
write them upon the table of thine heart.
My son, keep my words,
and lay up my commandments with thee.
Keep my commandments, and live;
and my law as the apple of thine eye.
Bind them upon thy fingers,
write them upon the table of thine heart.
I started Shabbat at home recently , after studying secular holidays, and finding out how evil they really are, asked God to forgive me! I had gone to Messianic Jewish Synagogue about 10yrs ago, and really enjoyed it. I started really enjoying and have always loved Jewish people and their history. I also found out that, quite possibly, I may be part Jewish. My grandfather’s family is from the Ukraine, and from a time when most of that country was Jewish. I can’t find out for sure, but I love the Jewish culture anyway.
Wonderful Testimony thank you- I have been going through this transition. It is amazing to see someone else go through it as well. What a blessing. Thank you so much. Shalom.
I left my post office job of 12 years for the Sabbath and it is very difficult to find jobs that don’t require you to work on the Sabbath. But worth it so very much.
I work for the USPS and I keep Shabbat. Article 17 provides religious accommodations. Shalom!
I am still new to the Hebraic Roots teachings. My husband is hesitant to come along. He has attended a conference with me to learn the basic truths of Torah and the Hebrew way if life. It’s very different from how we both grew up. So I’m not jumping in too deep here because I’ve been married 32 years to this precious man and I don’t want us to be on separate paths. I submit to him and still attend a full gospel church on Sundays. He is supportive of me attending sabbath services and Torah classes, which I love. I just wish he would come with me but I understand it’s a lot to take in and his time to do the things he enjoys is only on weekends. We are not retired yet. I want to continue in my studies and follow Yah in obedience. I sense Yah is very understanding of my situation. This is a slow process of transitioning process. I believe my family will follow eventually especially once my husband comes to a new understanding. In the meantime, Yah is telling me not to be extreme or judgmental though there are times I feel I must hide my newfound truth for living from him since I am learning at a faster pace. This sometimes creates an imbalance between us. Please pray for me and my husband.
Very wise and humble woman of God. And beautiful as well ☺
Hello Christians & Torah keeping brother & sister. Thanks for your message today. Modesty is something woman have lost touch with in main stream Christian. Far to many woman come to the
sanctuary dress like the the world.
Modern Christian seem to be evolving into a more secular style not holy as required by God. Its sad, as Christian we are suppose to set the example for our children & community. Today things are backwards..The Body of
Christ is following the world’s trends & example.
She’s a Hebrew Israelite… part of the original people of the Scriptures! The interviewer is the actual convert!