Today my guest John Kohler of talks about clean water. He installed a water filter in my house. Everyone should check out his youtube channel and also http;//


11 thoughts on “Clean Drinking Water. It Just Makes So Much Sense #392

  1. I have well water that is clean where I live. What I would like to learn more about is a good portable water filter. Like pocket size for drinking water.

  2. filtered water does not hydrate the body because it is unstructured, you need spring water or at least well water. I honestly went years feeling dehydrated from using reverse osmosis water no matter how much I drank.

  3. You can buy spring water for about 1 dollar per gallon if you buy the big containers. Its not ideal but its better than filtered water. Obviously the best thing is to be able to find a spring and collect your own in a glass container.

  4. Hi Paul, I was wondering,
    I saw that 5 Gal bottle behind John in the background, I know that most of those contain BPA , Please check, unless you’ve check that Deer park before,

  5. @rawmark

    its true, salt does increase absorption. Maybe adding a little bit of salt to unfiltered water would make it a little closer to spring water. Spring water is still much better though because it not only has the minerals but also the actual structure of the molecules are more organized.

  6. @michalsz2 Thanks Mike, this was what I used when my old filter went and my new filter was coming. This is way john was there to make sure I’m on the right track

  7. Hi John, I’m starting down the distilled water route for my drinking water. Got my distiller today and making my first gallon batch. I know it removes bad stuff, but also removes good minerals that we need – calcium, magnesium, zinc, etc… So it sounds like distilled water, combined with food from the massive agri-business world is a bad combo, right – void of good minerals on both sides? Do you know if organic farmers typically add in the extra minerals via rock dust or in some other way? Or if going the distilled water route for drinking water, is it then mostly a matter of going to the local farmer’s market and talking to the grower to find out what s/he adds to the soil, and/or growing yourself and adding rock dust, potash, etc… to get the minerals into the plants that way?

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