– Today I talk about cleansing, herbs and colonics. Keep the colon clean, even if on a raw diet you need to cleanse.
9 thoughts on “Cleansing and the Raw Food Diet #229”
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– Today I talk about cleansing, herbs and colonics. Keep the colon clean, even if on a raw diet you need to cleanse.
Keep the beard! I love it!
The hat makes the beard more tolerable! lol just kinding, Love it!
The kind of work I do I can not have a beard. Guess that would be considered a form of discrimanation?
I just grew some really good sideburns instead. Have not been told to shave them off yet.
I did the Master Cleanse for 5 days and healed myself from a chocolate addiction. I feel so alive now!!!
Enjoy your raw life, and your beard! 😀
Thanks Paul. All the questions you answered were actually ones that I have recently been wondering about. So weird. I hope you enjoy your Spring!
I like you better more clean shaven. Just me, I guess! : ) Glad you’re so happy with it, tho!
lol!, That thought crossed my mind too… that it makes you look jewish.
Wish I could get a colonic but they are prescription only here in Texas and the nearest one to me is over 2 and a half hours drive from me one way. =X
Our creator keeps making us grow beards, so why do we shave them off? Good point Paul – I don’t like shaving anyway!
Also – our creator keeps making us grow hair – so why do we cut our hair???!!!!
Lets all grow long hair and long beards & look like hippies!
nice beard!