What does the Creator actually have to say in His Word about our “Identity Issues”? Are we “Gentile Believers” or something else? Who and what is Israel and what does it have to do with our identity? What was the purpose of Yeshua’s ministry? What is the “Good News” or “Gospel”? What is the “Two House” teaching? Does it even matter? Why was Yeshua talking about “Lost Sheep”? Who are these “Lost Sheep”? Does it have anything to do with us?
Rabbi Steve Berkson leads us through the “Greatest Jig-saw Puzzle” in the world, the scriptures, to show us the answers to these questions and much more.
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Related Teachings:
Are You Saved?
The Identity of Israel – Past, Present and Future
INfocus – This is the Good News
INfocus – That’s Good News


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