Detox is a key to good health
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Music by Joseph Israel
Detox is a key to good health
Get even more raw food health videos at my member site!
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Music by Joseph Israel
I have a question about parasite…maybe you kno or maybe you can point me to the answer.
I think I have parasites in my brain. I’ve been trying to find natural treatment for it, but I can’t find anything besides surgery. Something about the harsh chemicals they give you will kill them, but then they’ll have to surgically remove the dead ones, because the body will try and wall them off to protect your brain.
aaah, I’m not sure. but I am fairly sure I have parasites
well, even if you have no info. I would like to say thnx, really always enjoy and find your videos super informative.
Gods blessing, Christ’s blood.
why do you think u have parasites in your brain may I ask..?
+sun east sure. I’ve felt things move around. literally move. pressure in parts of my head, not pain really, but pressure. in my vision i see floating like squiggles
+Eigna sorry to hear that. recommended reading if u have time
Arnold Ehret – Mucusless Diet Healing System & Arnold Ehret – Rational Fasting try the Annotated versions as the book were written a long time ago. all the best
Also this internal cleanse by blessed herbs is very beneficial especially if you choose the best option to do the cleanse. Has a parasite cleanse in there.
How long do you recommend continuing Dr Shultz for Formula 1 after you have completed formula 2? I realize you should start formula 1 before 2, and then take both, but after finishing formula 2 should you also stop formula 1?
Thank you!
Most people doesn’t drink clean water also belive that the bottle water they are buying from super markets is good and clean! thats soo wrong.
So true! Everyone find Andrew Norton Webber on YouTube. “Distilled Water” is the way!
How do I do raw food on a road trip?
Chia seeds. lemons . distilled water. walnuts.
Paul what’re the one’s you use for detoxification treatment?
I try to fast every night after 6 or 7pm. It gives the digestion a well deserved rest.
…I Have a TEA of Herbs….And It works well on me…