Divorce, Lean Not On Your Own Understanding

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28 thoughts on “Divorce, Lean Not On Your Own Understanding

  1. Paul, what exactly constitutes marriage according to the Bible? Some people say that sexual intercourse constitutes marriage and some say that we should follow man’s law in order to be married then some say that both are required. I just need clarity on the topic if you can answer or do a video on it please.

  2. Todah, Brother Paul- You spoke to my heart- I was in a neglectful abusive marriage- I stayed for many years- not knowing what to do- my ex walked away from his faith- and truly everything fell on my shoulders to try and take care of our children and work towards some future- I was poor and isolated – working as a maid in other people’s fine homes -while mine was a hazard- I cried out in prayer through all this confusion – and Abba miraculously made away for me to leave and support myself and my preteen daughter – I saw him take care of me through much bitterness and confusion – questioning too of my faith and beliefs I once held to- I am still separated 10 years later – I am not a maid- Abba did far beyond what I could even imagine – I raised my daughter to love , Yah’weh- and though I made mistakes and my ex- .I know the mercy of Yah’weh is there and faithfulness to guide us in unknown territory. I do not know what the next step will be- but, all I hear in my spirit is to be at peace and concentrate on walking in his ways- leaving my ex in his hands – we shall see if, Abba shall heal this – it will be 30 years marriage this October – but, half of it truly has been on my own or even more -there is nothing lonelier than living as if you are all on your own and a partner is indifferent and tries to destroy any optimism – I used to hear how I was inadequate and oils never leave – because of my emotional state of becoming depressed or being poor – but, Abba loves to take the weak things of this world to confound the strong in their own eyes- All those negative things told to me in an abusive way- where shown to be false – because, Abba is the one who gives favor – he truly is close to the broken-hearted and he lifts up the crushed in spirit – I can say that Abba Yah’ has been my Shepherd – supplying all I have with no help from my ex – for truly , Yah’weh must be Our Beloved and First Love – whether with another person in life or not. I will continue to give all my questions to, Abba and confusion – and wait upon him – till he shows me if there needs to be a divorcée or not. You never forget the spouse you married – especially if they were once faithful to, Our Creator – so as foolish as it may sound – no matter what – I have no regrets – because, I once knew love and have been blessed with wonderful precious children. If I could change my ex’:s heart – I would- and I have tried – but, that is exhausting and heartbreaking – evevtyally , you accept that the situation must be put solely into , Abba’s hand. It is true- many may not understand – and that is okay – we are all learning – but, yes- I understand much of what you shared because I have lived it. Bless you, Dear Brother for your honesty and humility.

  3. I’m thinking of divorcing. I’ve been with my husband for 23 yrs. I’ve tried to be patient, but my husband can’t stop lying. His dishonesty is destroying our family. I still love him, but he’s not the person that I thought he was. Forgive me, but, I don’t know what to do at this point.

    • NaturalHI – DON’T DIVORCE on those grounds. Trust me you will regret it. You should continue to pray for your husband’s salvation and for honesty to arrest his heart.
      How many times have we lied to YAHWEH? How many sins have we committed in deed and in our hearts? yet we trust to be forgiven 7×70….
      You are now in the position of spiritual leader, honor your vows, and most of all honor your covenant with YAHWEH.
      Praying for and with you.

    • NaturalHI this is good advice from Oneboanerges. I am dealing with a similar situation in my 23 year marriage. I am going to be still and keep asking God to help me look to Him. Read the Word daily, pray for myself and my husband to do God’s will, worship and glorify Him in being less passive and more deliberate and serious my faith. Don’t give up to soon (or at all). Be long suffering. God will lead you towards his will for your life. I want to encourage you to LOVE even if your spouse hates. Ask God to strengthen you. May God bless you!

  4. So true! I had a difficult atmosphere at home with my son’s and husband. (not his children but from a previous, abusive marriage). They all have no faith in Yahweh at all and my husband hated my son’s living with us. So I prayed for help to calm the situation at home. My husband didn’t even like me reading my Bible! He’d tell me to put it away! Prayer was answered but not how I expected. My husband left me for another woman. Peace has been restored and I can learn more about His ways then ever before. Praise Yah! Amen.

  5. I think the biggest problem concerning the topic of divorce is we do not understand why YAHWEH designed marriage. if we understood marriage this topic would be obsolete.

  6. I like this message. We need to stop talking and listen to our creator. For years I have tried to gain knowledge and trust in it and that always leads to failure and depression.

  7. Anybody, Don’t get divorce, not going to fix the problem, it will in most cases multiply,

    The problem is not your spouse, start seeing yourself, move closer to GOD

    God want to change your heart , it’s not about who is right and who is wrong , this way you not going to get positive resolution,

    “For the way you judge others is how you will be judged — the measure with which you measure out will be used to measure to you.”

    From your side if it is possible don’t divorce!

    Where have you been when you said I do!!??

    Now prove it!!!

  8. divorce is needed for reasons , adultery is first but abuse and hindrance is to be considered and must be seperation , Yahweh Puts two together and Noreen amd so if a man went to the one not From Yahweh then he is fool amd can not be with her but also lost his wife of she is better if not then maybe they can be together

  9. to try to fix is not accurate you can not make any wan to love you Yahweh Gives wife for a man ask Him who is your real wife , another mans wife will never be fixed to a man nor Will ever Holy Do so

  10. dear fellow of holy heart we must listen to our heart and self for Holy Made us good and by a mans heart Yahweh Leads him to his beloved wife and so listen to your self it will be listening To Yahweh

  11. You are right on, the world including so many christans so preach separation when things get tough…for the record over 90% of separations end in divorce, so think twice before taking such a step, it’s not of God, scripture speaks of it over & over….what God has put together let no man separate.

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