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Divorced you are not alone
Divorce, lean not on your own understanding
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Here are two other videos
Divorced you are not alone
Divorce, lean not on your own understanding
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Good morning Paul
Shalom, brother Paul. What a sweet message . May it be an encouragement to others! and Yah lead those who need this word to your channel! Amein!
Good morning
Going down to your local COURTHOUSE to get a marriage license, may seem like the right thing to do. In reality you are giving license for the government to step in and tell you how it’s going to be.When someone wants a divorce. DO NOT GET A LICENSE
The same coldness one uses to judge others with will be the same coldness they are to be judged by. “Judge not, lest ye be judged”…thats what that means. We should have love, grace and mercy for others, as we do not know all of the reasons or the condition of anothers heart. Only Yah knows that, and not all hearts are the same.
Amen!! Be the example to the children entrusted to you.
Thanks Paul….
Brother, you are doing such good work here and other places. May YHWH continue to bless your efforts, you and your fellow workers.
Bless you bother. I see why Yah allowed you to suffer through divorce. He says He will use even the evil things in our lives for the good of those who love Him. Shalom.
Ahmein brother Paul!