For the many people out there who are going through hard times in their relationship this video is for you. You are not alone.

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33 thoughts on “Divorced? You Are Not Alone

  1. The pain of Divorce is almost worst than a death especially when betrayal is involved….Even still Yahweh can use this or any horrible circumstance in our lives to grow us so that we can help others & draw closer to Him.

  2. It’s been a dark 7 years for me from divorce
    I keep trying to follow YeHoVaH and his ways
    3 years ago I came out of ICU my pancreas stopped working
    So you are right Paul
    I’m so tired
    Also ended up becoming a full time single Father and having to still pay child support and spousal support
    A year ago YeHoVaH blessed me with a lower paying job but got me away from my family so my ex couldn’t come after my fathers family Business and still that hasn’t subsided the beast. King Solomon had it right ” hell knows no furry like a woman scorned ”
    I’ve lost my faith I have know one to turn to that understand Hebrew roots
    I come from a Christian background but refuse to go back there
    I know Yah hears me

    • Yahuah Hears your cry and His plan for you is beyond amazing, You are being so refined by Him now because your reward is going to be so great brother… Hold on to Him and watch Him open the red sea for you…

  3. It always saddens me when I hear a christian couple heading for divorce. If two people who once loved each other can’t get along or resolve their issues what hope does humanity have in getting along.
    Plus when children are involved, they are hurt the most by it. I feel that parents should try to make the best of it until the children have grown and then decide if they want to divorce.
    If someone is heading towards divorce only because their spouse wants it then yes God should bring blessings to that spouse afterwards. Otherwise the blessing should be in repairing the marriage.
    Divorce is all too common nowadays its almost like the way of life………

    • In the future, when you are more comfortable, i would be interested in hearing more about what your have heard and seen and why you think differently.

    • You did not “get” what I meant… Christians think that Jews have to become Christians
      to walk with “Jesus’. That’s all. If we don’t teach them, they’ll never know.
      So yes, I made sense…

  4. God has a plan for you, my brother in Yeshu’a. Even for your family. I have a good feeling.
    May YHWH always give you grace, & shalom.

    Keep up the great work you do brother!

  5. I could see the sadness come through your video at least you are obediently following your Creator .Nothing is more devastating than what I have done .I fell Into sin again and I really can’t find any comfort .My sin is so shameful for the sake of your viewers I will not post it. Keep up the good work,You are fortunate.

  6. It was emotionally rough for almost four years for me Brother Paul. But then, suddenly – it passed. I started feeling good again by the grace of Yah. I have been divorced for 11 years now. I can say this: I never would have come to Torah or the way of mind that I have experienced lately had I been married. So for me, it was a path that our beautiful creator set me on. In other words, I had to go through that experience to get where I am right at this very moment. – Jeffrey Teagle (Alabama)

  7. Much love to you, Brother Paul. Very very sorry for this situation. You have tons of people that love and respect you. It sounds like you are surrounding yourself with these very folks. That is exactly what fellowship community is for, to get you through the yucky times. This too shall pass, brother. Love, hugs and blessings.

  8. i was actually better being single I loved it and love it dearly. I love to fellowship but not sexual relationship. I want single life With God and His holy ones who love Him.

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