Welcome & thank you for visiting us. We pray that the truth presented on our site will resonate within you, and bring you to true freedom! We are a nation of Israelites who are commandment keepers; obedient to Yah (God) & our savior, Jesus the Christ. We are blessed with a vibrant deliverance ministry & life changing truth from a true Jeremiah 3:15 Pastor. We praise and thank Yah for all things!
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30 thoughts on “Do not get mad at me because of marriage

  1. Pastor Sir , I have never found in scripture that I need marriage between myself , My wife , AND THE STATE ! that’s A THREESOME IS IN NOT ! . NUFF SAID .

    • Mule skinnwe, you need a marriage between yourself, your wife & Yah,, & that’s a threesome!! Without that, if you only have a marriage between yourself & your wife, without including Yah, it won’t work.

  2. I’ve been married for almost 37 years, and I don’t recall ever having to produce a marriage license to any employer (including the army) to sign my spouse up for benefits.

  3. Thanks for addressing this. This has been a hot topic on my channel the last few days. I did make a response video providing my take on things. Again, thank you for breaking things down on this subject.

  4. When the laws of the land supersede the laws of God I NO longer need to apply myself to the laws of Man (laws of the land), OBEY GOD and leave all the consequences to him, Acts 5:29 Then Peter and the other apostles answered and said, We ought to obey God rather than men. Men make the laws of the land !!!!!!

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