Do You Have The Set-apart Spirit?
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Music by Joseph Israel ( )
Do You Have The Set-apart Spirit?
For More Bible Videos:
The Torah Life Facebook Page
Torah Life Facebook Group
For more health videos
My Health Store
Music by
Music by Joseph Israel ( )
Great message Paul… loved the reference to Revelation 22.
Excellent message brother! Thank you for speaking the whole TRUTH……
Don’t say “whole truth”. There’s never an entire truth, pal… All religions declare that they have “all truth”. This man speaks wisdom, however he still only human.
Bless, you Brother Paul. Truer words were never spoken.
Bring it my brother! Right on!
acts 5:32 He gives the Set-Apart Spirit to those that obey..
My new favorite channel! You are helping me as a young christian 😊
+Nissa Book Thank you
me too im so excited by god
If you Love Me, keep My Commandments, and I will Pray to the Father, and He shall give you another Comforter, that He may abide with you Forever. Even the Spirit of Truth, whom the World cannot receive because it sees Him not, neither knows Him, for he dwelleth with you, And Shall be In You……. John, chapter 14, verses 15 through 17…….
remember your creator Jesus he will give you freedom victory over self sin many things
I thank God for you. Thank you for your videos & I’m learning in abundance !
Paul good message, I agree 100%. Paying for you brother in Yeshua! Pray for me brother. Need Abba to help me locate and find a job sent by him for me brother! May Hashem protect you and keep you. Greetings from DFW area!
Awesome message! Your ministry is helping me so much. I feel like I’m being deprogrammed from a lot of what I’ve learned in the church.
Bless you my brother!
Thank you. May Yahweh reward you abundantly.
Shabbot Shalom, A’mein all truth may Yahuah continue to Baruch you, Christianity has been mislead from the beginning
You so right the end may already be here
Amen Amen Amen I was one of the Biggest Wicked Sinners….I was Spiritually Dead and out the Blue Yeshua grabbed my hand… grabbed my mind… grabbed my soul and led me to Life….thank you so much for this lesson you just don’t know how much you are annoited Bless you Paul
Many fans of Messiah, few followers indeed! Honor Him with their mouths but hearts are far from Him.
Shalom Paul do you believe that planet earth is the center of the universe. Geocentric.
Wow praise YAHWH ..I love your teaching brother 😇🙏🙏