Raw Foods give me massive amounts of energy.
All this energy and I never need to drink coffee,
on …
Music by
Music by Joseph Israel
Raw Foods give me massive amounts of energy.
All this energy and I never need to drink coffee,
on …
Music by
Music by Joseph Israel
Hello Dad. I wonder if the sovereign sylver you provide can help fight and destroy the malaria virus in the body?
It can help fight it, not sure that alone will destroy it completely but it is still good to take
Wonderful Exercising is so good
But if I eat carbs I won’t have abs anymore.
Processed carbs or whole food carbs is the question😋😉
Carbs are not an essential nutrient
I apsire to be like you. A bad habit I have is vaping e-cigs. I like the nicotine. I want to beat it, but I keep doing it.
Great video!!! Needed to hear it!! Just got your book, the daylight diet!!! Thank you for writing it!!!
Yes. I was just telling my mom how I am so happy now to not be in bondage to food cravings. I can eat what I want and I feel good.
hello Paul! I love your channel!
my hemoglobin is very low, can you recommend me something? I’ve tried many things, but I don’t know what’s right or wrong.
Good reminders , Thank you. 🙂
How little sleep do you need a night to still feel fine?
Paul, does your raw food diet book include recipes?