20 thoughts on “Former Muslim now Believes Yeshua (Jesus)

  1. This is exactly why a religious person doesn’t get to heaven. They make up some man made doctrine someone calls you out on the contradiction of it and they get offended and start calling people names like moron, fool, ect…You call yourself a Christian? Jesus say even the ones who call people names will be in danger of hell fire. Your trinity is fake and man made. There is only one God. And he isn’t 3 distinct person that makes up a Godhead he is one God in 3 big difference.

  2. You have already shown yourself to be a LIAR, as in your first reply to me, you claim the trinity was not three-in-one (God), then you claim otherwise, then you change the narrative. It is you who was being disingenuous, so I simply called you on your crap. You’re the fraud, jerk.

  3. but my brother yeshua says that BEFORE ABRAHAM WAS, I AM. Now i believe in one God that is made up of 3 persons. His WORD who became flesh and his SPIRIT and GOD the FATHER. GOD is not limited to space and time. Just because the word trinity isnt found in the bible doesnt mean it not true. Why would yeshua say I AM and then say GOD is one and later say he is sending the SPIRIT? Dont read the scriptures with one eye closed

  4. If the 1st law has 2 b;”Hear o Israel, the Lord your GodS (Elohim) is One God, then there’s a reason 4 that!
    Let US make mankind in OUR IMAGE( Man+woman)
    If u read Isiah, Hosea & Habakuk thouroughly, u will discover (with G’d’s help) that Yeshua was also speaking through the profets. Hosea 3 will reveil the secret:when all the things of the future (Revelations) will have happened “THEN the Lord will be completely One & this will be a mistery..” SO, ACCORDING 2 THIS VERSE HE IS NOT YET ONE..(!)

  5. The concept of the trinity came about from the understanding of the essence of God the Father, Yeshua the Son, and the Holy Spirit the Comforter. The word may not be used, but it is applicable.

  6. According to y’all, we must obey all 613 or so laws of the Torah and we aren’t saved by faith alone but when I read Galatians 2 I recall it shows us that it is by grace through faith alone that saves. If it were of works then wouldn’t Jesus’ death be in vain?

  7. 613 = 6+1+3=10, 10 =1+0=1, maar om die éne gebod na te leven dient men de 10 woorden na te leven, en omdat te kunnen na te leven zijn er 613 opgesteld, die niet overal worden toegepast, zo zijn er speciaal geboden en of verboden die alleen in Israël gelden.

  8. OH!  You lost me at “works”.  Jesus died to fulfill the law.  It’s fulfilled in HIM.  All those laws in the Torah have been fulfilled by HIM.  HE is our Sabbath.  Everyday is the Sabbath now.  We rest in Him.  Now, we don’t have license to sin though so when we do it HURTS us and we sin less and less.  But we still sin and must repent and continually ask Jesus for forgiveness.  When sin is cast into the lake of fire, we will sin no more!  AWESOME!

  9. No Trinity? How about a triune nature of God? Is Jesus like a core sample of God, that is, having the very essence of God? Are you saying there is no Holy Spirit? Who is Jesus to you? You mentioned that Jesus is the son of God. Well, one might say we are all sons of God. What makes Yeshua more special than us? Was He created or did He create everything?

  10. Now I’m even more so confused. I was raised and still believed in the Trinity and that in the end they were all One Source.

  11. John 1v1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. In the beginning (Genesis 1), the Word (Jesus Christ) already WAS, He already existed before creation, together with God the Father and God the Holy Spirit. And on the subject of the law, what do you think about Galatians? What do you think about grace? Eph. 2v8/9 For by grace are we saved, through faith and that not of yourselves it is the gift of God. Not of works, lest any man should boast. Isn´t that what seperates true Christianity from every other religion? That our salvation does not depend on our own efforts and abilities (thank God) but rather on the finished work on the cross by Jesus Christ through which we receive forgiveness and eternal life by… keeping the law..? nope by faith. And Eph.2v10 says that the fruit of that salvation will be good works which God has ordained for us to walk in. But, and that´s the main point.. we as human beings, need to give up all our own pride, our own efforts, by which we think we can please God, all our own righteousness are as filthy rags Isaiah says. We need the Righteousness of Jesus Christ, no need to add our own works to that.. which is hard for proud man, because it requires humility.. but when I am weak, then I am strong (2 Corinthians 12v10). God bless you

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