12 thoughts on “Friday q&a about Dr. Coldwell, Cancer, Disease, The Raw Food Diet.

  1. Thanks for answering my questions, Paul. I have wondered for so long about what Hippocrates has to do/ say to avoid being shut down. I assume the Max Gerson Institute is in Tiajuana, Mexico because they actually claim they cure cancer? Of course they couldn’t do that in the U.S.

  2. Why did youtube put my comment to faeboo just now as 8 hoursa ago? Hmmm…

    Anyway, faeboo, ya lazy fool, perhaps you ain’t so dumb as I see right at the top he has the 1st two testimonials as the PsychWar General Stubblebine and his shrew Wife, blatant disinfo scumbags!

    That is a really bad sign, would you not agree, Paul Nison?

    Anyone who uses those obvious evildoers as reference has to be very dumb, very naive or evil. BAD…. particularly as Dr Coldwell is clearly not dumb or naive.

  3. I heard about that probably 5 months ago. I honestly can’t remember where. I go thru to much media for me to remember. but if it helps. I think they were referring to imported goat and sheep cheese being the main culprit for being diluted with cow milk, especially from not so wealthy nations because the profits to be had by dilution are immense. It is suppose to be a wide spread problem if I remember right.

  4. Faebooo, before making calms did you check out his sites. He says all the info you are looking for is there, and if not why don’t you just email him

  5. yeah, i totally agree. one of the worst things was when melamine was found in most halloween candy a couple years back and since it was only days before the presidential election they kept it hush hush and I believe thousands of US children died because of politics. Many more were made the type of sick you just don’t bounce back from… That was the last nail in the coffin for my trust in the FDA. I don’t have to reference that. any diligent googler/youtuber can find the info. =^-^=

  6. That is so right, we are our own doctors. We must listen to our own body. Every one must figure out what helps and hurts our bodies.

    Yesterday I tried what Dr. Coldwell said about eating quality beef occasionally. I didn’t like how I felt after I ate it so I won’t try it again. I am the one that needs to see what works with me and not depend on others to lead me around my the nose. So occasional beef works for Dr. Coldwell but not for me. No big deal.

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