9 thoughts on “Friday q&a with Paul, essene gospel, vegan diet, bible health, and more

  1. You might want to check out that link on the video at the bottom of the screen. There are two L’s in your name and it makes the link not work.

    Otherwise, great video, brother.

  2. “the essene gospel is really not quoting jesus, and i know this for a fact because ive read the bible, and i know the message jesus was saying” WOW is that your facts, whatever youdo dont say that in court, im sure people that read the essene gospels and follow the teaching inthem know in there HEART that they are true, be carefull what you say andthe words you use because youhave just put your self into dishonour by making a claim about having facts to verify your claim but blowit with heresay

  3. and another question… you claim the essene gospels where invented up by a man trying to promote vegetarianism, have you any proof to verify that claim, ACTUAL PROOF? if you have any solid proof of your claim please share it, the burden of proof is on the claimant, a little side note, you claim that people either believe the bible of they dont, but to believe a book that was malitiously edited and added to and taken away from, so imo a idiot would completly believe a changed book by rome cont-

  4. i also think that one would be a idiot to disregard the bible completly just because ofall the contradictions,evil teachings, mass murder, innocent killing, imorality, lies, ect ect which is very hard not todo, but if one wants to know, they will knock andkeep knocking untill they find what their heart seeks by using due diligence, ifyou want to fly remote planes and buy a cheap one, fly it with difficulty,and heavy land, anda peace breaks andit doesnt work again,hobby over,never actualy started

  5. Yall go ahead…..I kill animals for food and I wear their skins. As for Peace with God, their is only one way to achieve that. And that would be through Gods sacrificial lamb.

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