God Says Eating Animals Is Okay But…

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27 thoughts on “God Says Eating Animals Is Okay But…

  1. Unfortunately living in the fallen world we do, even our organics have had chem trails sprayed above them. GMOs have seeped into our once pure soil below them. Along with animal and human waste. Lead & mercury from tap water. It’s a sad state of being that we are living in, and trying to eat pure foods for substance, has been eroded. Yeshua ate fish, now the oceans are polluted and are sprayed with poisons in production. This had been my research. ):

    • @jbossman008 ok was the farm following the organic regulations?
      seems like you didn’t even look at the references you asked for. And no thank you, i only eat meat about once a week if that.

    • @Jaakko Huovio If only everyone did what was right but you have people that break rules, just like in the organic world. And if you only eat meat once a week than whats the big deal? Seems as if you have it under control.

    • @jbossman008 its true, people break rules. would be best to buy from a local farm or some one you know. The point is that not eating meat at all is stupid and unhealthy long term. it has some things that the human body needs that you can not get from plants. it only does harm to limit your self. The best is a clean diet with no grains. Eating carnivore may cause some issues, but veganism causes even more, we are omnivores. If you have to stop eating meat then its only viable if you keep the cheese, eggs, etc.
      G-d bless

    • @Jaakko Huovio So I guess after a day of this we both kind of agree. I never said no meat but I did give the example of a 350 pound meat eater going vegan and losing weight. You usually eat a few to many steaks to get where you are. So there, agreemen Baruk!

  2. “Bring in the fattened lamb!” Even Abram gave his angel guests this and it’s not just “okay” in the Bible, but a sign of celebration, even at Pessach!

  3. It was not God original plan for human to eat meat 🍖(book of genesis ) ..I eat meat but I’m starting to understand that its not healthy at all

    • Meat has nutrition just like any other food, be careful not to fall prey to the vegan echo chamber that claims all meat is poison and we do not need it, that is not true. Research about how the majority of vegans are malnutritioned- it’s an epidemic, and you will see how wrong they are. Their diet is more like a religion than something based on actual science. I am a Diagnostic Health and Fitness Technician/Instructor and I know what I am talking about.

  4. Anyway, do you realize that cain is the norm now? I never hear anyone preach about this disturbing behavior of the satanic activities which are so popular this day in which we live. I call them medical assassins in america. They dont know that they shut themselves out of the kingdom, out of eternity. Clearly the devil has them blinded, they think they do what is right😕

  5. Here is the science as to why meat is bad for you ‘these’ days. We all know the dangers of pork and the sicknesses they produce and the bacteria that just live on them. In todays world, the hormones that any countries in the cow business give them make them bigger and have more meat. Essentially the cows of today shouldn’t quite look like they look. Simply research how they get only females born and how they manipulate growth. Unless the meat is 100% organic, which means no grain from an outside source, then your meat is truly toxic. Back in the days, the animals weren’t festering with big pharma. If you sowed your own wheat for grain, kept your cows without all the contaminated substances that is used to keep them alive, and you knew the genetics and it was real cows all the way to what you were eating, you would be safer. That being said, we have 3 cows that I use for organic fertilizer. We rarely eat meat and when we do, its organic chicken. What Paul is saying is advise for the wise. Cancer is up 5000% since the 1920’s, why? We die younger and younger, why? We have strange diseases that doctors call Fibromyalgia which is a toxin overflow in our bodies, why? What you put in your bodies is what will come out and remember, when Yahushua was talking about washing His hands before eating, and what you put in wouldn’t defile it, Monsanto was still 2000 years in the future. When the King walks with us again, we will need to see if he can give us a few updates based on time spent. Much love to ya all. READ YOUR BIBLES! 🙂

  6. I’ll never try to discourage any believers in Yeshua, but I tried the vegan diet for 5 plus years, felt like I was mentally and physically deteriorating, animal fat has made me feel so much better since switching and I can’t deny it. I’ll say this also we are not living in the garden, we are living with thorns and thistles, the land is cursed because of lawlessness. I love you brother, shalom in Yeshua.

  7. Society is being pushed towards a vegan diet because it will lead to cannibalism. The Impossible Meat factory for all this vegan fake meat is right across from a Planned Parenthood and the Impossible Whopper bleeds, blood and it’s supposed to be entirely plant based. A vegan diet is pretty challenging for the average person without eating the fake meat products so your average vegan/vegetarian is eating it. This is no reflection on the vegan diet as a whole, but this is what it is being used for.

  8. Just remember that nature is a cruel killer. Animals don’t just lay down and die when they are old. They suffer greatly at the hands of predators and a failing body. Death is ugly no matter which way they go. Ask an elk if they would rather die instantly from a bullet wound or be shredded alive by a wolf. Nothing lives forever they are going to die one way or the other. They might starve to death, freeze to death, be drowned, or be ripped apart by predators, or suffocate when their body stops working, but they will almost never just lay down and go to sleep. No point in sugar coating death or pretending it is easy, some deaths are just less suffering than others. Veganism is a valid option for people, but most don’t understand what happens in the pasture and woods when animals get weak and old. I abhor large scale farming practices through, and I believe that if an animal is in your care, destined for meat or not, it is your duty to make sure they are happy healthy and pain free right to the end. Not eating meat for health and emotional reasons is fine, just don’t pretend like the animal would have lived an easy wonderful life and then just one day lay down in a nice warm pile of hay and slipped away and died.

  9. I love you Mr. Paul. I understand what you’re saying. I eat meat and balanced meals for weight training. I deer hunt and the chemicals are not in the game I hunt. I feel healthier by eating the fish I catch and animals I hunt and veggies I grow. I do it humanly and nothing goes to waste, I share it. I enjoy being able to be outdoors, I believe that Jesus gave me this love to connect deeper with the respect to what the Lord provides and cycle of life.

  10. Hi – i know i’m not allowed to teach the Bible – but – i had this thought after watching your video – God is going to have the lion lay with the lamb – so there is my idea for going vegetarian right there. God don’t want all this killing. Hope you have a great day thanks for the videos

    • kathy powers your allowed to teach the word of YHWH and we are instructed to. Actually teach our children, when we walk by the way speak of him, were instructed by YHWH so I don’t know who told you your not to teach yes you are bless you🙏🏽❤️

  11. I googled it, if you eat chicken, vegetables and fish you will live 6 – 9 years longer! I’m on a vegetables soup diet to lose weight and I feel so much better and have plenty more energy. If someone invited me over now to eat and they served red meat I would eat it with a merry heart to the Lord and give thanks.

  12. Personally, I only eat like raw salads mainly on the sabbath because of the commandments to not cook, then, however, if you don’t eat some B12, every once in a while, you may get sick being vegan like with multiple sclerosis. There’s nothing wrong with good hot food, cooking cruciferous veggies in water alkalinizes. I like meat, just not a lot of it and Biblically clean strengthens the heart, as well – It’s Different strokes, for different folks, I’m allergic to the bitter veggies.

  13. I’ve given up eating pork. Basically because Yeshua didn’t eat it. I believe Yeshua lead by example. I try to live as He lived. Him being a good Jew, He ate the customary foods Jews ate at that time. Pork was definitely not one them. I feel ill physically when I do eat it. Fish also. Anything that eats dead things should not be eaten by us. It’s that easy. Vegetarian, vegan or selective omnivore. Staying in and true to the Torah is what matters. Amen

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