Here is another interview with a women who had uterine cancer and started eating a raw vegan diet and the cancer went away.

You can contact her at her blog

Here is an interview I did with Jeff Kowalski about the hot house
and chi machine. This interview should give you many more details
about the machines:

After seeing the interview, contact Jeff at 763-425-1699
and tell him you got his information from me Paul Nison
and I told him to give you the best price.

“The Truth About Cancer: A Global Quest”
Learn more and get the series at this link:


18 thoughts on “Healed from Uterine Cancer with The Raw Food Diet

  1. Great video thank you I have breast cancer and I’m researching. A lot. I’m finding out that if you receptors are positive. It would. Be good to stay away from estrogen foods. If you know or do a video I would be grateful bonnie

  2. I haven’t been to a doctor in 8 years, i’m 22 years old now. I’m alwayts tired, weak, get headaches a lot, my diet is terrible, a lot of junk food, pretty much all processed foods.

    lately I have been having trouble breathing i think it’s from anxiety attacks…. what would you guys recommend?

  3. please make a cookbook for your doggie cookies and other human goodies … you sound so natural i would love to learn from you … this movement has a lot of hype and i am sad to see that happen … i have done sprouts, raw foods, vegan on and off for 30 years and am 71 in excellent health and learn every day. I will chck out your website.

  4. DaBosske, have you thought about making a couple of simple tweaks? One could be choosing fresh natural fruits and vegies over boxed or packaged snacks for say, a month. That could be trying a new fruit once or twice a week while substituting a cold

  5. Pls help 🙂

    I have chronic dry eyes. Pure fish oil pills/capsules seems to help my eyes being a bit moore comfortble. Have you tips whats good for the eyes from a vegan source?

  6. Thank you for this interview, wonderful level headed woman. There is way too much information on raw food that is really raw fruit diet here on YT. This common sense approach is much more encompassing and offers more varieties of different foods that will promote a healthier body. The Chi machine as well as the Kagen water is something I will inquire after. Good point about removing rpoisons in your everyday life. God bless.

  7. Oky thanx! With Vitamine A i experienced very good improvement when i eat cows liver. But i want to reduce food from animals. I think also that avocado is good one from vegan source. Unfortunately i feel the effects from animals source way better and faster.

  8. From what I can tell, she is talking about cervical dysplasia, not uterine cancer. Uterine cancer is not diagnosed with a pap smear, it is diagnosed with uterine biopsies. Doctors do not tell you to repeat a pap smear in 6 months for uterine cancer, they recommend that for cervical dysplasia. Just saying.

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