American / Israeli singer Joshua Aaron shares the world's beloved worship song, "How Great is our God" in Hebrew. Get it on iTunes at or . Filmed in Jerusalem, Israel… featuring Israeli musician Yaron Yerahmiel Cherniak on the Persian Tar. LYRICS BELOW
Gadol Elohai
Shiru ki Gadol Elohai
Kol echad Yirei
Ki gadol Elohai
Bridge (Name above all names):
Shem me'al kol shem
Otcha raui le'halel
Libi yashir ki gadol Elohai
גדול אלוהי
כי גדול אלוהי
כל אחד יראה
כי גדול אלוהי
שם מְעַל כל שם
אותך ראוּי
ליבי ישיר כי
גדול אלוהי
In the intro is he playing an asor?
“Persian Tar” my friend. Blessings
Joshua Aaron How great that you’re actually responding to comments of others! Now that I have the chance: you really help me build my strength in faith and love for God. So THANK YOU!!
Only the grace of God could make a former neo-Nazi like me enjoy this song.
welcome to His family brother !
love and shalom to you bro
when you say a former neo-nazi did you use to beat up jews in the Streets or african people? or did you folow hitler’s thoughts?
+Hope93ful I used to believe in National Socialist ideology and was active in internet activism.
that’s such a message woaw!
Such kind words from you all! Thanks for watching and listening. May the GOD of Israel bless each and every one of you.
Love to hear singing Praise
in the heart language! Worthy is the Lamb!
Love end peace for all.
God bless you aswell😁
nice song. But… you will get a dislike from me for sure. What you do is blur christianity and judaism as if they are the same. This is a nice song for christians but you intentionally fool poor misinformed jews or Jews who sadly have assimilated so much they don’t know anything about being jewish or customs. You have a jewish name, jewish pictures in the background, and hebrew in your titles. You trick poor jews to fall for your belief. The tactic of Jews for Jesus. The whole world western world is Christian. There is only one Jewish State in the whole world, that is fighting to keep its identity in the face of eastern islamic terror and christian western influences. You will not only get a dislike from me but I will report you for sure for sure dude. BTW, the second word in your title of your song is assur / forbidden to say. its one ( a part of God’s name that is only said during prayer or reading of the torah.) lo tisa at shem hashem lashav. one of the 10 commandments buddy. how about learning about a bit of chapters from the old testament before we skip our way to the new one? huh?
Peace out, from Buenos Aires, Argentina
I don’t see how he “tricked” to blur Christianity and Judaism. I see him praising The Lord with his own language, the language of Hebrew, the language of God’s people even before we are God’s people. Having a Jewish name or Jewish picture doesn’t make him “UnChristian” but instead I feel awesome whenever I see a Jewish-Christ believer. And no, the whole western world is not Christian as not the whole eastern world is Buddhist or the whole Arab is Muslim, do not put people’s belief geographically because even the bible says that every tribe and nation will praise Him. And what about learning the old testament and the new testament altogether? Because I’ve read of these verses
Having abolished in his flesh the enmity, even the law of commandments contained in ordinances; for to make in himself of twain one new man, so making peace; (Eph 2:15)
Let no man therefore judge you in meat, or in drink, or in respect of an holyday, or of the new moon, or of the sabbath days: Which are a shadow of things to come; but the body is of Christ. (Colossians 3:16-17)
So what’s the problem in saying “Elohai” or even YHWH?? people call Him Yahweh, Jehovah, or even Arab christians also call Him Allah. If that’s a problem, so what saved us? our deeds? our knowledge and our obedience to the old systems of the old testament? No, the point of being a Christian is to be saved by Jesus because we can’t save ourselves by obeying the law. So bottom line is I see no problem in that video, instead I see problem with your judgment to that video.
I’m not trying to pick up fight or harsh debate in here, so after all, blessings to you from Indonesia where we call God with the word “Allah”. Also blessings to you brother Joshua, your video is a blessing.
Dear Damien, there is no blur or trickery, when it comes to praising our God, creator, Father, Savior.
If you believe anyone is “tricked” by this expression of praise, it is of their own perception and choice.
We are all free to worship in whatever manner we believe will be a blessing to the Lord. After all praise and worship is a personal matter between an individual and God.
I am a Christian from the U.S. (and I can assure you that not all of the Western world is Christian) I respect and embrace Judiasm and support the Jewish State. Psalm 22:6 “Pray for the PEACE of Jerusalem. May they prosper who love you.” You have free to disagree with Joshua’s manner of praising and you are also free to cease from viewing or listening. Shalom, Shalom.
BTW, Thank you and God bless you Joshua for sharing your expression of praise and worship of the living God. Peace to you and your family and all the musicians.
Correction- “There is only one Jewish state in the whole world”- contemporary Israel is a Zionist state; secular and was not established by YHWH.
I think if we are Christians and love God we know the Jewish people just are special and I love Israel just because God does. One day He will bring truth revelation and unity in His time and it will be amazing! until then we hope and pray and have a tender heart to hear what God is saying in this hour of history. love from Canada I love to hear the Hebrew language it touches my heart. thanks Joshua
Please, brother, drop your pretense. When you follow Jesus you stop being a Jew, you are no more special than any humble Gentile follower. Unless Hebrew is your daily mother tongue, speak English. The good good Father speaks English also. Galatians 3:38.
+Tina, sorry to make you sick. I don’t think you understand my intention or heart in this. Also, please learn a little about Aramaic, the language of Jesus.
Amhlair dear brother, I trust that you mean well however it has been proven, facts have been shown that Jesus did in fact speak Hebrew, just like Pope Francis who insisted that Jesus spoke purely Aramaic, you should do a research as well, Benjamin Netanyahu had a debate with the Pope with that regards and in the end it is what it is. Jesus was a Jew, us Christians cannot push that fact away, He spoke Hebrew and read the Torah that was written in Hebrew as well, if Christians want to embrace the Hebrew roots of our Messiah, let it be… there is no fault in that. These things shouldn’t annoy you dear brother, He had called us to LOVE… let us be filled with His Love.
And just to add I do not dispute the fact that He may have known Aramaic because of the times He lived in that was the common language, but Hebrew was His mother tongue. Much love to all.
Amhlair im sorry for butting in but coming to Christ does not stop you from being jew! This is such a backward statement..Jesus is a jew! We are supposed to be Christ like! might I add that He did not abolish the law but fulfilled it. God did not make a mistake in setting up the law in Torah we just have no need for a sacrifice anymore!! Jesus still celebrated the Feasts and I believe that our Holy Father wants this time for all His children! Please listen to the Spirit about this!! Shalom
He sounds exactly like MIchael W. Smith.
I love it song <3
Those that dislike this praise and worship have to hate God. It’s perfect 👌 Praise to our Lord.
Joe Medrek Baruch Ha Shem Adoni
What a blessing to praise the Lord in Hebrew.
Roddie Harris Amen!!!!!!
Who is the real orignal author of How Great is our God / Gadol Elohai can someone tell me please thank you
hello Mr like can you sir tell me who is the real author of How Great is our God / Gadol Elohai ?
edf edf The writers are Chris Tomlin, Jesse Reeves and Ed Cash. Chris Tomlin is the original singer
You all are christian man god worshipers
you christians you man god worshipers
GospelTractSource what a crap I was waiting till only of you quote this verse this how you rape the jewish scriptures to fulfill your evil need . GospelTractSource in proverbs 30 also you find jesus yeshua in Isaiah 9 and 7 n also you find yeshua in 1 Samuel also you find yeshua oh waht in the entire jewish scripture in the entire Tanakh you find yeshua Oh never mmine that in the Talmud you find yeshua Pablo Christiani said this first in the 12th centrusy this did not start with you GospelTractSource or me Pablo Christiani fist found yeshua every where a jew turn into catholicism
cut the crap you evil man god worshipers and follow rabbi torvia singer he guide you tine toe what you all missing
GospelTractSource in mexico 15th century over 3000 people saw jesus in the sky
the famous Isaiah 53 for christians
Shalom everyone from the Sea of Galilee! Thanks so much for your comments here. Blessings to you alll
Amen God bless you and the family.
FabuloUs song! I hope he makes more Traditional Christian songs in Hebrew.
How is this a “Traditional Christian song”?
Michael Shapiro Yes. Search on youtube Chris Tomlin How Great is Our God. I prefer the hebrew version of Joshua, but the song is christian. I am christian catholic and I hope too Joshua will do other hebrew versions of christian songs….For example there are many songs of christianity in latin that would be wonderful in hebrew. …..Please Joshua, We have to heal 2000 years of …divorce.
How great is our God!
Thomas Malan ha-Gadol Elohai
No. My imagination doesn’t come close.
But you are right – he lives in me.
Praise Yahovah, for he lives!
Don’t say Yah___. It’s not allowed to say his name, say god.
Shalom from Costa Rica
Roger Jimenez Shalom
shalom from the Brazil…. Jesus te amo…
Nicky Zan Shalom
Shalom from Singapore. God loves us greatly and he is greatly to be praised.
Shalom from Germany
God bless you Israel from Sri Lanka.
G-d bless Israel