There are appointed days in the Bible that we are supposed to be keeping today. Instead Christians have decided to follow man's pagan ways and holidays. In this video I explain the appointments that are spoken about in the Scriptures.
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Music by Joseph Israel
brother thank you for this teaching sunk so deep in my heart thank you Yah
Amen Jason
yeah I realized that my king gave his life for me it’s time I do the same and put all my trust in my Abba in heaven and set my eyes on what’s above
Thank you for this video,I’m also trying to get this information out during this time of year when so many are preparing for the secular holidays.It always “seems” to fall on deaf ears but we never know what impact it has had and so we never give up sharing Torah and Yeshua. Blessings to you and Shavua Tov~
thanks Brother Paul keep fighting the good fight
Well said, watchman!
Thank you for sharing this Paul
This was ok but it would have been better as a group discussion.
I always enjoy your teachings, but I cannot understand the biblical reasonings for Yeshua’s real birthday being during Sukkot. When I read Luke I see a Shavuot birthday for Yeshua. Luke says that it was in the 6th month when Gabriel visited Miriam (Mary), and just before that he states that Elisabeth hid herself for 5 months after she realized that she had conceived (John the Baptist). Her conception was immediately after Zacharias’s days of ministration were accomplished. If his days of ministration were during passover which would have been the 1st month, then it would have been the 6th month when Gabriel visited Miriam and Elisabeth would have hidden herself 5 months. If Miriam conceived immediately after Gabriel’s visitation, which she would have had to if she stayed with Elisabeth for 3 months and Elisabeth delivered John the Baptist shortly after Miriam left. That would put John the Baptist’s birth shortly before Channukah, and Yeshua’s birth right around Shavuot. It would also make sense that they would have a census during the time when everyone would be traveling to Shavuot. Bethlehem is not too far from Yerusalem. Also, I find it interesting that Shavuot is when the Jewish people celebrate Yhwh giving the Torah (word of God) to the Jewish people. John 1:14 says, ” And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us”. It would make perfect sense to me that Yhwh would send “his Word” – Yeshua – on the day that the Jewish people celebrate him giving his word.
Passover, the rehearsal of Yeshua coming?
Sukkot, the creation or birth of Israel?
By “Jewish”, do you mean Israel?
The Jewish people in Israel.
+i love YHWH
The census was recorded in history, but the date wasn’t. Historians can’t even agree on the year, let alone the month or day. Yeshua did tabernacle (Sukkot) with the people every year, so the prophesy is fulfilled regardless. I need more concrete evidence than what I’ve heard so far. I have heard Michael Rood talk about it, but still see no concrete proof. Luke says it was in the 6th month when Gabriel visited Mary and she conceived. 9 months after Elul is Shavuot. It is also written that the word became flesh which also corresponds to a Shavuot birth. I’m sorry, but I’m still just not seeing the Sukkot birth for Yeshua. God bless!
thank you for your time to teach
Thank you so much for the teaching! If you are ever up towards Millbrook Alabama then swing by Chavurah Shalom. We are a small Messianic congregation. It would be a pleasure to see you there and possibly have you as a speaker.
Thank you brother in Christ for your boldness in the truth,
How many “christians” believe in “x-mas” & put the tree (idol) up in their house? Is there no understanding? No discernment in the church houses of the believers? Saturday is the 7th day, to rest and be before the LORD.
The bible story is so amazing. I know this cause I read the word and the spirit shows me truth. But I have a choise to make – to follow God or man. The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak. This place where I live -Dallas/Fort Worth/ Tx and America – (as great and beautiful as it is) is part of the Great Babylon Beast system. Be ye not deceived. It is world wide. God’s word says to come out of her and be ye separate. God says ” Be ye holy because I Am Holy.” Can I follow Jesus and continue in fornication, addiction, adultery, and worse? God forbid. I choose to repent.
The spirit is whispering to my spirit, “God will have his remnant in the land.” Those who choose to follow HIM no matter what the cost, counting the loss of earthly things as little compared to the exceeding greatness and glory to be revealed in due season. If we faint not.
Consider this: In all of human history, we were chosen to live now in this great time in this great place. To see the prophecies coming true before our eyes. Knowledge is increasing worldwide. The spirit says, “Seek ye the LORD while he may yet be found.” Time is short.
By the way. “Holy” is a pagan word. The word you want to be using is ‘Qodesh’ which means dedicated/set-apart.
Patrick Petty Exactly! I agree!God divided the tounges. I’m sure he speaks them all! People cry out to him from all four corners of the Earth in an array of languages both proper and improper… The mute can’t speak at all… And the deaf or hearing impaired may not be able to pronounce words well… I seriously doubt God is hanging salvation on language barriers… I think people get a little carried away and miss the point. God knows the heart. First salvation then obedience. God bless ☺
Could you do a video on what music we should listen to? I’m confused and I can’t find anything in my bible that says secular music is bad or okay. You don’t have to, it’s your channel, but I just need some guidance.
Hey paul, i really like what you do, and I think Yeshua has got a special place for you up there 😉 I dont get the fourth commandment, i mean, what is considered work? Are hobbies a kind of work? Are you limited for the amount of steps you can take or something? Thank you for the help
This is probably a silly question but as a Christian who is just beginning to fallow the Bible, what does shalom mean? And is it biblical Hebrew? There were other words I had not heard before and I assume it’s all the same language?
It has many meanings. It is Jewish and basically means Hello and peace to you
Keep it coming brother paul, we need it everyday I study all the time May The Most High YAHWEH BLESS YOU.
Thank you for this video it is helping me understand the direction my life should be going in. Thank you so much.
this is a good word and has encourage me to read the word.
R there videos to learn to keep them properly ?