Holy Days VS. Holidays

An online event featuring ministries across the Net!
Online Video Panel with:

Paul Nison – Torah LIfe Ministires
Lex B Meyer – Unlearn
Zachary Bauer – New2Torah
Sal Baldovinos – T'shuva Ministries

Four ministries united in Torah bring you an hour-long video presentation and panel discussing current events as it relates to the Scriptures.

In this panel, the gentlemen introduce themselves and share their insights and testimonies on: Holy Days vs. Holidays – how we interact with our family & friends during the secular "Holiday Season".

This will be a video that is shared that night (pre-recorded). Live events will happen in the future so you can interact with the panel!


32 thoughts on “Holy Days VS. Holidays

  1. Awesome thank you for the truth in love <3 I am new to this and it is so good to be encouraged! Reading comments get my head spinning and sometimes there isn't enough love flowing... It's good to read our Bibles and share the truth in love! Blessings<3

  2. Thank you so much, gentlemen for getting together and doing this video chat! It sincerely  warms my heart; seeing the unity and diversity between you!

  3. Sounds to me like y’all agreed to agree. Meanwhile, I have a heart and soul wrenching issue looming that doesn’t fit into any of y’all’s “Love will conquer all” scenario. Well, nothing new, I guess. Shalom

    • Hag S’meach, Y’all. Todah Rabah for your apparent concern and hopefully your prayers. I have been on this path for over half a century, you have no idea what my pain is, nor can I (or will ) discuss it here. HaShem always brings me through… ALWAYS. B’rukh HaShem!   

    • +charles brace I’ll pretend that I am not sure what you mean by “you’re still an infant, good offer but infancy lasts a long time in things of this nature.”   I was not even talking to t carol about the message of the video… I wanted to offer an open heart and a place of refuge for a hurting brother.  While I appreciate the effort given to make clear this subject (and how to live righteously in Truth), my concern for t carol was based on Galatians 6:2, “Bear ye one another’s burdens, and so fulfil the law of Christ.”  Sure, I know that I am a “young tree,” and that I need to continue putting down roots and be strengthened in Truth, but what about all members being given gifts to edify and encourage the body of Messiah?”  For as we have many members in one body, and all members have not the same office: So we, being many, are one body in Messiah, and every one members one of another. Having then gifts differing according to the grace that is given to us,” Romans 12:4-6.  Too many people want to “be right” to their Brethren, and forget to “do right” for their Brethren.  Doing right…. that doesn’t have to wait until I “grow up” out of my infancy, and become a withered old man.

  4. Only a little thing… At around 7 minutes, it is said that the first time chanukkah is found is in Numbers 7:84, however, it actually first appears in Numbers 7:10. This can be verified with the Blue Letter Bible search for Strongs # H2598.

  5. So you said to ask questions and thats what I’m doing. You mentioned that there are some books of the bible that are not biblical that people are including and we need to watch out for and  ignore. What are those books so i know to avoid them?

  6. One of the things that my wife and I realized ,10 years ago, about X-mas  was the false deity santa clause. My mother and sister go all out for my neices, to make it seem like santa is real. They put cookies out and take bites out of the cookies and drink the milk, so when they wake up they think he really came. One thing I could not do is lie to my daughter and tell her that Santa is real. My family would tell me to tell my daughter not to tell them the truth. I never understood how a believer of YHWH could be so comfortable to lie to their kids and tell them to be good for a false deity and that he will bring you gifts if your good. What is going to happen to the Faith of those kids when they grow up and learn the truth? They are going to think that their parents lied about YHWH and His Messiah, just like they did about the easter bunny and santa clause. Not only that, but people say, yes we know its pagan but we are taking it over for Christ. But then they put Santa before Christ. They put idols up of a false deity all over their house. I didnt learn that X-mas had pagan origins till a little later after I had stopped celebrating it and after that I could never do it again. Parents, if you are watching this video and reading the post and still telling your kids about santa, just remember your telling them about a False god and putting him before your Creator and His Messiah which goes against the first commandment.    HalleluYAH and Shalom!

    • I did the same thing to my kids, until they figured it out for themselves (about Santa) I thought it was fun, because when I was a kid, I knew Santa wasn’t real, but I loved pretending he was. I thought that deep down my kids also secretly knew it was just pretend. Kids love to pretend, but the thing is they really believed me, so when I read to them from their bible story book, they didn’t believe it was real either. That is when I realized I was confusing my kids, and it is so important for them to know that the bible is not a fairy tale book, God is not make believe.

    • Yes, and what makes it even harder for kids to know the Truth, is that they go to school and are taught Evolution. If we don’t set a rock solid foundation before our kids, then they believe what the world tells them to believe and not what His Word says.

  7. Thank you, thank you, thank you, and thank you! My husband and i have 5 children, they have all grown up and out of our house. We’ve come to see the calling to remove ourselves from worldly traditions and into obedience – not out of obligation, but out of adoration and honor to Him Who created and loves us. We see His calendar He put in the sky on the 4th day of creation and are excited to get involved in the wondrous celebrations He’s given to His children. We have been struggling with making the changes…how do we separate ourselves without harming our loved ones…And you men have given us great insight in how to do that. THANK YOU  God’s rich blessings be upon each of you and your families while you seek to obey and adore The LORD God Almighty…for He is worthy.

  8. Wow guys! Great, great video! This was really the best! I can’t wait for y’all to get back together again! Shalom to each of your households!

  9. I so appreciated that you all got together and put this video out. It is something that I needed to hear. I have been a Torah terrorist. I did not realize that my zeal for the truth was actually going backward. I think I need to fast and pray and get more deeply into G*d’s Word before I start speaking my opinion again. Thanks for enabling a conviction of my heart through the info in this video. I say kudos to all of you. May G*d Bless you and keep you.

  10. Around 36:00 minutes Paul Nison says: “It’s not a sin to have a Christmas tree in your house.”  I respectfully disagree. Sin is defined as breaking the law of God. The law tells us to not assimilate pagan customs. The Christmas tree fails the test of Deuteronomy 12:30-31 as it is an assimilated sun-god fertility rite, now being used to commemorate the birth of our messiah. 

    Paul Nison then goes on to argue that Christmas trees are not directly mentioned in the bible therefore we cannot label it as sin. This line of thinking is flawed. Pornography is not directly mentioned in the bible, does that mean that we cannot label pornography as sin?  I would beg to differ, we know wicked lusts, fornication and adultery of the heart are all sin, therefore we can confidently conclude that pornography is sinful. Likewise, we know the act of assimilating pagan customs into the faith is sin, therefore we can confidently say that Christmas trees (in the homes of believers) are likewise sinful. 

    • Joshua, there are many pagan symbols we all partake in everyday including the dollar bills in your pocket and the fork you eat with. However just because something is not defended in scripture as a sin don’t mean it is good. I don’t and won’t have a tree in my house but that is not gong to stop me from going to someones house who does. 

    • +The Raw Life Health Show A pagan symbol in itself is harmless. They only become problematic when we adapt them to the worship of our creator (per the restrictions on assimilating pagan customs into the worship of our creator). In the example of Christmas,most believers associate “Christ”mas traditions with things of the Bible and things of Yah, including the tree. There is nothing wrong with a Christmas tree if one is not using it to worship false gods or relating any of it to YHWH.  In other words, Christmas would have to be completely a secular holiday. 

    • Joshua Micah I agree. I cannot believe someone would say the tree is not sinful being placed in a home and decorating it. Jeremiah 10 specifically speaks against the tree and adorning it with silver and gold.
      The other thing is Hanukkah. No where in Scripture does it command us to keep feast of dedication. Yes, praise Yah the children were not annilated. But a hannukah looks more like some Jewish Xmas now. I totally am against even the PERCEPTION OF EVIL. Scripture warns us about even having the appearance of evil on us.
      That’s my opinion on both those issues. Shalom.

  11. Also your right that he was against the traditions and doctrines of man,  your right in terms of the ones that nullified the torah, but did you know he his traditions as well, he also used the Talmud as well, if you would like me to show you I can

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