One of the many questions I got this week was about how to store nori sheets. Here is my answer below. You can also order Nori and other see vegetables from

I had many questions this week and answered them all. As a member or The Raw Life Health Show you can see all the answers. This week we have questions about, seaweeds, how to store nori sheets, how much food we need, tooth enamel, cow milk, blood tests, travel adjustments, soy milk, big salads, gorillas and chlorophyll, protein for gorillas, hot teas. As a member you get to see the full-length video anytime to the answers. I answer all questions. Just post your questions below each video.

Just go to to see all the answers.


3 thoughts on “How Do I Store Nori Sheets? #458

  1. We don’t weigh much or have large appetites, but after being on raw food, we noticed our appetite decreased on his healthy raw food way of life. We feel more full, more quickly. This weekend while taking care of family out of town we were busy so we cheated & bought Arby’s 1 day & our old favorite, cooked Thai food. We ate too much cooked food that wasn’t compatible for good digestion & felt awful… That was enough to make us want to reduce our intake again & stick to a good, mostly raw diet

  2. I bought Raw Nori many many times, I usually get the 50 pieces/pack and always keep it in the fridge without have any issues. It’s just fine in the fridge

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