Should Christians celebrate the feasts?! Bill Cloud (Shoreshim MInistries) sits down with Michael Rood to answer some very specific questions regarding the BIblical Feasts. "How do we celebrate the Feast of Trumpets?" "Do we have to take a full week off for Sukkot?"
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you remember them !
for example if you are counting the days from passover till pentacost YOU ARE MOST LIKELY KEEPING HIS FEAST !! its now a heart thing a spiritual thing a rehearsal of a shadow picture in remembrance of our king .
for example if you are counting the days from passover till pent6acost YOU ARE MOST LIKELY KEEPING HIS FEAST !! its now a heart thing a spiritual thing a rehearsal of a shadow picture in remembrance of our king .
I have school on the first and last day of Sukkot, but my mother doesn’t agree with my beliefs and she wouldn’t let me stay home on those days.
Thank you 🌿❤️🌿🎶🎼🎹
could you do a Q and A on tithing?
Hello brother,
I have grown up in the christian church, and to date I beleive that I should be celebrating the feast and also that the law as not been done away with as Ive always been taught. I beleive along with scripture that the dietry laws is part of the fathers instructions to man. Whats troubling me is, I was struggling to find fellow brethren who share the same beleives as me until I was guided to a chap who I share fellowship with and he introduced me to someone who they celebrate the biblical feasts with. Low and behold I was invited to the feats of trumpets and once the trumpet was sounded at sunset the food was on offer to us all. My partner made me aware that there was plenty of pork there as we dont eat it. But they beleive that its ok to eat it but they find it that they should celebrate the feasts. It sounds like a big contradiction to me. Could anyone shed abit of light with me on this matter.
Sounds like a big contradiction to me too.
Querido Michael por favor quisiera saber cual es el verdadero calendario del Eterno si hubiera alguna forma de obtenerlo para tratar de entender y celebrar las fiestas. Confío mucho en usted creo que Dios le ha dado entendimiento `para descifrar correctamente la Torah. Es que en Uruguay no hay nadie que enseñe sobre el verdadero calendario de Yahwhe y sus fiestas, desde ya muchas gracias y que nuestro Abba Kadosh continúe bendiciéndolo. (Pido disculpas si no he escrito correctamente alguna de las palabras en hebreo).
Buenos dias Alicia! En este momento no tenemos el calendario en Espanol. Esperamos tener lo el proximo ano.
¡¡Gracias espero impacientemente!!