These woman have been blessed by wearing a head covering. Check out the video and see if you are ready to join them and give it a try.

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28 thoughts on “How has wearing a headcoving blessed you?

  1. and doesn’t wearing makeup and jewellery counter productive in the way of being modest?? ((referring to that one woman, saying the covering makes her feel modest))

  2. These are beautiful testimonies. The one that strikes the strongest cord with me was our ambassadorship. as for me, my journey of modesty began by allowing my hair to grow out and color it no more, no more polish on my nails and very little make up, actually only lipstick very light. I do need to wear pants but all of my blouses cover me to my thighs. I have managed to be modest and still look trendy and professional. I have recently started to cover my head while in my prayer closet. the ladies are right, it does send a message out to the spirit world. thank you for sharing this video. <3

  3. Women that are that loyal and honorable to the Lord and that modest are so hard to find in this day and age. May the Lord bless all of them.. Proverbs 31:10 for real.

  4. It’s very scriptural & biblical. I think for women. This is the first step of obedience to the order that The Most High has instituted. Both us men & women need to get in order & submit to our scriptural roles. When women pray & prophesy without a head covering. According to scripture they dishonor their head. Not their literal head but he head of the order…1 Corinthians 11:3 *”But I would have you know, that the Head of every man is The Messiah; and the Head of the woman is the Man; and the Head of The Messiah is The Almighty.”*

  5. I am Christian and have kind of been slacking the past years. I’m modest and overall try to follow what I was taught. For the past month or so I’m feeling like…I dunno, maybe called or pushed to wear hijab/tichel/head coverage. I have ordered some caps and started building on my scarf attire, but I will admit I am a bit nervious and excited at the same time to begin. Any words of advise or tips would be appreciated!

    • Apryl HasWon I hope you find your way, to cover your hair… God also send me the message a few days ago to start covering my head. The same day I wrapped my first Tichel and I felt so protected and also beautiful, and it makes me aware of Gods presence in every step I take. I also ordered some tichels and essentials to start wearing my headcovering. Then I told my husband about it and how I feel with it, and he wants me to stop wearing it and also said that, if I’m going on with it, maybe it would be time for me to get into therapy. It hearts so much and I started to pray for it over and over, but I just can’t understand it, because God never does something without a good reason. When God sent me that message he already knew what my husband would think about it, so it doesn’t make any sense to me. Nevertheless I still wear a headcovering the whole day and put it down before my husband comes back home from work. If you know something I could do, to solve this problem, please as ser. I’m still praying for it and hopefully it will turn out alright. God bless u. Kathi

  6. I am currently doing a Bible study on head covering. I’m 46 but somehow didn’t know about 1 Corinthians 11. And it’s interesting to me. Believe it or not I started buying scarves I November. Preparation maybe. Thank you for sharing.

  7. This vid is such a blessing to me. I was actually disfellowshipped from a Sunday church for wearing a complete headcovering (scarf). Everywhere else (espec Sabbath churches), even strangers and evil men give me respect. Thank you to the Most High.

  8. Head covering is right according to the word of God.I learned it from the Lord Satan
    is so subtle and the scriptures in revelation says that he “DECEIVES THE
    WHOLE WORD” .He started it even from Eve.Woman are easier targets,through
    they don’t realize it. Therefore he approached the woman.Gen 3:1 Now the
    serpent was more subtle than any beast of the field which the LORD God had
    made. And he said unto the woman, Yea, hath God said, Ye shall not eat of every
    tree of the garden? Woman can be so easily made a prostitute by exposing her
    parts etc. so easily by even saying that it is sign of fashion, it is BOLD STEP
    ,or that she become cute by exposing herself to be such a nude show peace and
    so on! Should they not even THINK that it is only a trap and not right? Fear of
    God only can give us wisdom. If not we can be so silly and blind. Proverb
    speaks about woman in prostitute attire.I wondered and asked the Holy
    spirit,”Is there any special dress or uniform for prostitutes? The Holy
    spirit said : “any woman in immodest dress is walking in the attire of a
    prostitute” .Think the purpose of such dress and makeup’s of prostitutes.
    Fooled and blinded, they don’t realise that satan is using them as his tools
    even in the Church. Woman are WEAKER ( in comparison to men).That means we too
    are weak.None can be safe except under the shadow of the ALMIGHTY. There only
    every protection from everything. Therefore hear waring FROM THE LORD Luk 21:33 Heaven and earth shall pass away:
    but my words shall not pass away. Luk 21:34 And take heed to yourselves, lest
    at any time your hearts be overcharged with surfeiting, and drunkenness, and
    cares of this life, and so that day come upon you unawares. Luk 21:35 For as a snare shall it come on
    all them that dwell on the face of the whole earth. Luk 21:36 Watch ye therefore, and pray
    always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall
    come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man.

  9. As a christian woman, not married anymore, I do not think I have to wear a headscarf (I didn’t when I was married either) and that is because nobody was wearing it to church. I am baptist and I am from E Europe, and in our churches, in my country, married women do wear a hat or a scarf as a symbol, to show that they are married and they have the authority of their husband above them (that is the explanation). But when I came to the US and went to church I did wear a hat at first, and since I noticed I was the only one, I stopped. I think (and this is my opinion) that is important to not stand out, not be different from the rest of the people around you, not attract attention to you as a part of modesty. For myself, if I stand out and people are looking at me because I am different, I really do not feel modest anymore. But I do appreciate anybody who does anything to please God and serve Him and the people around them, and I think that is important.

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