How much would you pay for a cucumber
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Music by Joseph Israel
How much would you pay for a cucumber
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Music by
Music by Joseph Israel
That is to much no 🤗
Going to grow my own 🤗
Here in central Florida they are 3.99 each for organic English cucumbers. (Whole Foods)
That IS crazy! I’m curious about the prices of organic cucumbers too. I found some for 2.50 each and thought that was a bit high.
Defenitely too much. It’s ok to have a non organic one, if ya must have cucumber, tho. Shalom❤
Yeshua comin back for his children soon❤
I live in London but I wouldn’t pay those extortionate prices
Time to unpack those gardening skills. That is too much!!!!
Welcome to Publix. Lol. And Inflation. Wait till people see prices in a few years !!
Sorry, you do not look healthy
That’s nuts to pay that for a cucumber.
in France I buy long cumcumbers (the long ones) for 2€ or 2.50€ cant remember ^^ (& organic), not so bad i guess ^^
beets I find them so cheap, 2€ for 3 big beets (i eat only organic)
Oh yikes!
nothing, I get them for free :))
That’s ridiculous! Cucumbers are cheaper at Whole Foods and Trader Joe’s that place is unbelievably expensive
trader joes usually has reasonable prices