How The Fruitarian Diet Change Her Life.
Fellow Sara on her instagram page at this link
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Music by
Music by Joseph Israel
How The Fruitarian Diet Change Her Life.
Fellow Sara on her instagram page at this link
Get even more raw food health videos at my member site!
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Music by
Music by Joseph Israel
The music does not add value..
Fast for break-fast, fruit for lunch, large fatty salad for dinner. Easy.
Adam Blaknovski My template exactly!
We were fed lies and poison……..
Good video 😃😃😃
Are eggs ok? It’s not a chicken, the chicken lays it and a snake or a possum will come along and grab it and eat it, it would just rot otherwise so why not me? is that bad to eat?
Grimm_ Ace if u have your own eggs it might be not that bad for you if you choose so with proper food combining
Roman Pawlak Agree. Food combining is key even when eating fruit
Hello Sara!:)
She is beautiful.