People always wonder where vegan's get protein from. n this video, Sara explains how she gets enough protein on a vegan diet and everything else she needs without eating animals.
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Music by Joseph Israel
How old is she? She looks 20
She looks so young because she eats so healthy
Where do you think the trees get protein from? They get it from the Nitrogen in the air. In my opinion protein is just another scam by the health and bodybuilding industry. Like a placebo.
NeroNadaNova its not a scam. Im not a vegan. I grew up in a farm and we ate what we grow and yes we ate meat! Believe it or not those farmers that ate meat have more energy consuming animal fats. You know what is scam? Vegan shopping at walmart!
@Julian Yo tho farmers work out everyday. Also the body is the most advanced technology there is in this world it can break down almost anything. Have you heard of freaky eaters? I’ve seen different people survive on rocks, the sun, potatoes, cheese pizza, and other stuff you wouldn’t find nutritional for over a decade. There is still a lot scientists don’t know about the human body. They might be intentionally withholding information from the public. There are cases where a person can survive on air, sun, and water alone check out Prahlad Jani or little Buddha from Nepal.
inspiring words from a very beautiful lady, inside and out!
תודה .בוקר טוב
She is sooo beautiful 💕 great info, thank you!!
She is the most beautiful woman In the world
Okay, this is really misleading. Yes plants have proteins, but they are incomplete proteins, and are not absorbed by the body in the same manner as animal proteins. The same goes for nutrients in fruits, vegetables, nuts, and supplements: the body can’t efficiently ultilize them, and they will sometimes act as anti-nutrients. It’s difficult to understand how anyone can recommend the vegan diet/ideology to others, knowing full well that they must take supplements to augment the proteins and nutrients they can’t get on a plant-based diet. I don’t care how you spin it, there’s nothing “natural” about that.
@Eliam Paulos See my other videos with your answers
@Eliam Paulos B12 is synthesized in the gut by bacteria. There is B12 everywhere, in well water, on the skin of an organic apple, in the soil where we grow our food! The issue isn’t deficiency in the food. The issue is a deficiency in your ability to digest, absorb and assimilate the nutrients. When you clean out your GI tract thoroughly then you are able to absorb and assimilate efficiently. Nothing harms our ability to digest, absorb and assimilate nutrients more than biofilms and plaques from an animal based diet. Thats why people newly switching to a vegan diet often need supplements because their body is weak and degenerated from animal foods. D3 comes from sun exposure, only 15 minutes a day. The best source on the planet for omega-3 is flax seed and there are many more plant based.sources. Creatine is naturally produced in the human body. Only the 9 essential amino acids are not produced in the body and all of those are available in plant based sources. The world health organization recommends no more than 10% protein in the diet for optimal health. You can easily get that on a fruit based raw vegan diet. Iron, zinc, calcium all available in abundance in fruits, greens, nuts and seeds. Be careful that you aren’t mistaking addiction to animal products as facts or logic. Animal foods are extremely addictive and not healthy for human biology!
@Eliam Paulos
You noticed he wouldn’t give you a straight answer when questioned about the animal products in his supplements? That has happened to me so many times. The cult mentality is so strong that any fact that counters their deeply entrenched belief system has to be eradicated.
@Raw Vegan Rising
Just an aside here, but organizations like the WHO and the UN, are not what you think they are, and I would look elsewhere for accurate statistics.
@Helena Anderson No you’ve misunderstood. The statistics globally all say the same thing. Read Healthy At 100 by John Robbins. The WHO is just mainstream information that most people can understand. And in addition to that we will have a spiritual awakening as a culture when we move away from eating animals for food. It will be a beautiful process to realize who we really are and how much divine connection we have to everything around us. A low protein diet is very awakening! It frees up the body to experience this divine connection. Until you try it for yourself you’re really just parroting someone else’s information anyway. Ive tried it all, meat, vegetarian, vegan, raw vegan! By far the raw vegan diet is liberating to the spiritual self!
She said she is Vegan for six years but then she ate Fish three years back? I’m just confuse.
You don’t. Your welcome.
60% carbs; 20% protein; 20% lipids are a good micronutrient distribution. People eat way too much protein. They make their bodies have acidic pH which is a breeding ground for disease, especially cancer.
Nature don’t need all this science just eat natural eat when hungry stop when full it ain’t that deep, all these terms are made up to make money
A potato is not food and fire kills PERIOD
Great video Paul. Very nice lady.
His beard looks a lot shorter than usual.
…Εating nuts is a very good and healthy source to get protein. 10-12 almonds have the same amount of protein with a steak !!!!!!