10 thoughts on “How To Get True Wisdom

  1. Great words Paul. Itā€™s amazing that to become a believer itā€™s incredibly easy. To be wise or righteous is really easy and simple. Itā€™s our human nature and doubt that makes it hard. We have trials and tribulations but keeping life simple is best. We just need to live and love Yah with all our heart, soul, might and follow those guidelines. May Yahweh bless you Paul for sending this message to many

  2. We must be drawn by the father to him… We must be humble and be still and listen and learn instead of trying to do it for eye service or lip service to men. We must know between the counterfeit conversions and teachings, and counterfeit Messiah, it can’t be anything outward but must be real and inward.. a preacher can pray with you and you be “saved” but unless you’ve truly without doing it for men’s approval stopped and listened to him and his voice and blocked all else out, all false teachings and traditions and men, and Drew towards YESHUA and not vanity or idols we make or any other motive but loving Yah and drawing to him with a rich intimate relationship… How do you get to know someone just by reading about them? You must walk with that person and interact and be there’s and them yours. It must be alive and true. Many false teachers and wolves lurk about., We must discern. The counterfeit from the true and test and try the spirits. Shalom

  3. We look towards the heavenly Jerusalem and leave the elementary things behind grown up in Yeshua. Not squabbling and arguing over endless arguments and opinion but being one mind and spirit as ONE. The kingdom is within and the law is written on our hearts… We can’t get to extreme in the letter that we forsake other things like mercy and exceptions and fulfillments. That exist at the same time. We must remember as Paul revealed by the holy spirit we under the new covenant free from the old are born of Sara as promised children of faith and promise and not under the bondage of law but rather Yeshua as he paid the debt of the law and fulfilled it all condemning sin in the flesh. His spirit pours living waters into our hearts and souls and minds and his spirit has redeemed us from the enemy of death and judgement and wrath. Shalom

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