Raw Food Chef Stacie Cohen talks about how to overcome cooked food addiction.


13 thoughts on “How To Overcome Cooked Food Addiction

  1. I have just loved all the bits from the retreats. May I suggest that you ask your speakers to repeat the gist of the questions being asked off mic, so we can get a better idea of the answers. Thanks to all of you

  2. 8:00 I totally agree, i don’t get why people have to care what we put on our plates when we’re trying to have a conversation 🙂

  3. Is that a tattoo on her left arm or something else? If it is a tattoo, it is not healthy to inject something permanent into our pores. Hopefully, it is not a tattoo though. 🙂

  4. Hey, I like her. She’s sharing good stuff. But bottom line: she’s a self-professed picky eater. She didn’t give up a rich, diverse cooked food diet to switch over to raw food.

    I know different strokes for different folks and all. I have 5 children living at home (incl. 3 adolescent boys). We could not afford a raw organic diet. And, they wouldn’t eat it solely…We incorporate many raw healthy organic foods into our diet.

    It’s different for single adult professionals who can make eating choices for themselves. Children need lots more nutrients for growing, especially boys.

  5. In addition, if this were an optimum diet she would be a lot leaner than she is… So that tells me there are other things on play.

    I’m not saying everyone has to look like a super model. Just saying a raw food diet should keep you pretty slim.

  6. And the title is misleading. She can’t say how she overcame a cooked diet because she said from childhood she didn’t like to eat cooked food (she played with it though!).

    Where is the addiction part of this talk?

  7. I eat lots of raw foods and I’m not even close to her size.  What the hell is she eating?  I’m sorry, she’s not healthy.  Her talk is healthy, but her appearance isn’t.

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