I know this post is going to open up a can of worms but I also know it will help people who are dealing with this issue so I had to make it.
I am happy for people who have been married many years and figured out how to make it work but from my experience I would not take advice about divorce from a happily married couple or someone who has not been through divorce. I know they have a good heart but they just can't understand. I understand and made this video for those of you going through it or went though it. I pray it helps you.
If you are a believer thinking about divorce
If you are a believer thinking about divorce
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This shows why trained leadership in a congregation is so important. People in this walk need counseling by anointed leadership with experience in marriage counseling. Paul, I’m not trying to be disrespectful, I was heartbroken when you revealed you were going through a divorce. But, you have not discipled under any formal leadership structure in this Messianic/Hebrew Roots walk, have you?
I hope this teaching on divorce, remarriage, and putting away, will be a blessing for those contemplating such actions. https://youtu.be/aVY7S2UOd1s
Bonnie, you have no idea whom I disciple under and whom I did in my situation. You are out of place to even suggest that I didn’t. Truth is this wasn’t a decision I made over night or on my own. I have wise men of Yahweh who are my elders and I counsel with them.
You are right ,praise our lord always
But what if it is due to adultry
If adultery is committed the other person has a 100% right to leave the relationship but it doesn’t mean they must leave.
8 years since my divorce. Not my choice. Agreed with everything you said Paul. I have the kids now 5 years because I gave the kids over to Yah
Never shall I ever marry again. I was wrong and asked for forgiveness from both YAH and my ex. I know Yah forgives.
And I agree joy does return. It was funny as I was given a death sentence type one diabetes by ex took me to court a second time and the courts gave me the kids. that was six years ago, 14 years on my death sentence to go praise YAH! Enough time to raise the kids to adult hood, and now I’m not allowed to teach scripture to my children! Yeah I’m beyond frustrated! BUT I haven’t given up on my creator just my hope in humanity. My creator made me. And he gave me back my children although I wish my ex who has moved on remarried and has a small child with a new spouse I pray some day that things will return to speaking terms, But I do not see that end any time soon. Both daughters suffer greatly because of it and I agree Paul our creator spoke his dislike of divorce.
I struggle myself to be better not bitter. Very difficult, after as you say Paul the unfair evil “family court system” they punish men. I was and am constantly harassed by different government agencies trying to seek some evidence, that I’m bad, but praise YAH he protects me and my daughters and we remain a whole little family.
With dreams smashed and hopes dashed, a new creation arises from the ashes!
Shalom Brother, my Yahweh’s peace and shalom fill you!
SFGHOW Warrior – death ? Nah.. ask dan Mc Donald the life regenerator on you tube for a phone consult and you’ll learn what you need . 100% real and works .
Love and Many blessing’s brother and thank you!
No problem if ennemy is near
Jesus is the one to help
Don’t serve the flesh
But the spirit only
Yes joy in the morning if u followed him
Not with a new spouse
Yes full of mercy but now he wants u cling to him without a new spouse
U stay single and pray and pray and pray God will show u to thrust God not be replaced by a man or woman
With suffering with give u salvation
Paul spoke about it
Thank you Paul! May Hashem keep using you for His glory!…I agree, the system is not G-dly.
If you are in a abusive relationship that’s abusive to the wife and children are we supposed to stay in that relationship? I am a believer but my husband was not. I realize now that your partner should also be a believer.
I do believe the father wanted me come out of that marriage. I spent several years after we separated working on me and coming closer to the father. I prayed for his will in my life and he sent me a new partner that is a believer and now I feel the father sent him to me so we can have the kind of relationship that the father talks about in scripture. We both feel very blessed and now my home is filled with shalowm and filled with his word. We keep the shabbat and try to grow in wisdom and righteousness. I give all the glory to Yahuwah for showing us a better way to live and love the father and each other.
Thank you for speaking your heart on this matter. Currently, I am going to thru this act of separation and divorce and you are right about everything. Thank you for the word if encouragement.
Boomer culture catching up with them. Sounds like you guys are reaping what you sewed.
We love you brother Paul, you have helped me so much. It was you who helped me understand Torah and I will always appreciate your caring.
Thank you for sharing this word🙏💕
Thank u for transparency and the word of Yahweh
Amen to praying and not letting it be our decision, but our Father’s decision. He knows hearts and the future and everything in between. I thought I would displease Him by leaving my ex-husband so I stayed for years enduring abuse in so many ways. Adonai told me to leave and it hurt, and I knew it was Him telling me it was time. I lost people but I also gained amazing friends and freedom and healing. To this day my ex has shown zero remorse or regret for how he treated me so thanks to Yahweh for leading me out.
Amen… I am encouraged.
Background. Christians seek to uphold the seriousness of wedding vows. Yet, they respond with compassion to deep hurts by recognizing that divorce, though less than …