People who choose to eat animals and drink milk are doing so at their own risk. The FDA has messed up our food. Get back to nature. Go back to the pure diet. Go Beyond Organic
26 thoughts on “If You Consume Milk and Meat, See This”
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Because the govt. has destroyed most of our produce and we need to get the nutrients from somewhere. It’s sad but true
The Raw Life Health Show im sad 😢
When raw butter was legal I used it in my manna sprouted bread that I would dry in the sun not an oven. I am from Florida and I can time it for a sunny day, most days. Anyway…raw butter does not sour even left the whole day in the sun and it gives the bread a sweet taste.
After the FDA pulled raw butter of the market I once used organic pasteurized butter. It has not the same smell and taste and it soured. So that put to rest, the use of any butter. Olive oil tends to crumble the bread.
Soy milk is a blessing in disguise.
soy is the devil in disguise!
soybeans don’t give milk. it’s seed juice. concentrated soybean juice. manboobs coming. indigestion coming.
Well I am no expert, but there is a lot of information out there about soy phytoestrogen. I have a brother who now has hypothyroidism, when he was a baby he could not drink milk because of asthma and was given soy milk. Gmo soy is being used as a bulking agent in everything, it is known to Asian cultures that soy should be fermented for consumption as it also has a natural poison in the bean. I guess if you eat traditional soy in small amounts it would be ok
I find great local humane raw milk and eggs. I feel that the b12, dha omega 3 and vitamin D are helpful. But typical store bought milk is absolutely poison. It breaks my heart to see family and friends consuming it and taking prozac, etc. God save us and our friends! 🙁
Who is it blessing? The manufacturer is the recipient of the blessing. The end consumer receives the curse. It is unfortunate, but I found out the hard way this is true.
Almond milk is FABULOUS for your skin
@miss87grante I was wondering that too. Since it’s almond milk would it be different.
Coconut milk is the best milk substitute imo. I’ve found that coconut milk and oil can replace milk or butter in just about any recipe.
yes, you can substitute plants and get good taste. you will never get the human-needed nutrition from plants that you do from animals. never. flesh and blood cannot be replenished with plant material and be healthy. fact.
Unhealthy = smoke/drink/drugs/overweight/underweight/bad diet/poor hygiene.
For diet, I believe in everything in moderation…except junk food with no nutritional benefits
Paul said that the milk sold in stores – Homogenized and Pasteurized milk – Is very different from raw milk, Not that all milk is toxic. In my eyes pasteurizing and homogenizing milk (And removing the cream) is like stripping the germ off grains of wheat which is stripping the ability to father children, I’m not kidding – Look at the Hunzakuts, They’re so healthy that their 90 year old men can father children and they don’t eat “White” Rice.
Paul, Is there something I can eat to get pro-biotics that isn’t Dairy? If so, What is it?
ya ok lets pump these growth hormones and other stuff in cows then get milk out of it ….. theres nothing toxic about that
those of us who rely on animals to live, we can’t digest plants, we dont’ agree with hormones, etc. we know it’s poison and buy raw milk from farmers. nothing done to the cows except feed good food and give a nice place to live. it’s not the product itself, but corporate greed that has destroyed the most valuable food source for people. many of us don’t eat any corporate-provided “food” at all. monsanto loves vegans and vegetarians.
Goats milk has less casein than cows milk and is usually better tolerated by sensitive people.
The air your breathing is being poisoned by Obama. We are f#cked in the @#$!1!
Like what I hear. Thank you.
your welcome
you never get to the point
milk is meant for the baby calves
May the creator bless you king..
Paul Nison
Leciticus Do not steal. “‘Do not lie. “‘Do not deceive. Correction need be made!