If you eat animals you are not a pet lover

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23 thoughts on “If you eat animals you are not a pet lover

    • That’s a hard one, they are natural meat eaters but I don’t like feeding them like that. I have some cats but not dogs. My cats are outdoor cats and hunt much of their food.

    • We live in an imperfect world. We just have to do our best. I’m a hardcore vegan but i would never force my cat to be something she is not. It’s just one of those neccessary evils in life. I just make sure to feed her species appropriate. I don’t buy cat food that has beef or pork in it because i know she could not hunt them on her own. So she gets fish, duck and turkey/chicken only. Xo

    • Blaxican same thing. My dogs are vegetarians as I am. Genesis 1:30. And my dogs are thriving. My oldest Labrador Retriever just turned 14 last month!

  1. I don’t eat cats or dogs. I eat cows and pigs, which are not pets. There is a large difference between a pet and livestock. I suppose David was in the wrong for eating a lamb. I find it interesting that Jesus never spoke negatively of eating meat. In fact, he said it’s not what goes into the mouth that defiles the body, but what comes out of the mouth.

    • Large difference? Cow and pig are just as trusting as a cat or dog. They both have 2 eyes, 2 ears a nose mouth and teeth and tongue (just like you actually). The difference is a cow and pig don’t easily fit in your lap, they aren’t little and “cute”. Reading your statement made me feel bad for you. I hope you will do some soul searching and use some plain and simple logic.

    • seekinghealth The difference is pets are not raised for food, livestock is raised for food. If we didn’t use them for food we wouldn’t raise them and they wouldn’t exist. Why don’t you condemn David for eating a lamb? He is a man after Gods own heart, maybe you should complain to God about this.

    • @FaithwalkerTodd i don’t condemn him. I highly doubt he ate a lamb that was bred specifically to be killed. That was thousands of years ago anyway.. You really can’t compare the situations. In this day and age.. breeding to kill or “raised to be killed” is wrong plain and simple… they are tortured, their young are stolen from them, they mourn and grieve, then they are murdered. Trust me God does not approve of the way we treat his creations. He gave us stewardship over the earth and its creatures and we choose to be their torturers instead of their caretakers. Very sad state we are in where this is even something to debate. The cognitive dissonance and ignorance is overwhelming to me.

  2. I was fortunate. God took all animals out of my diet in one day, and I had never even considered becoming a vegetarian before that day. It reminds me of Isaiah 66:3-4. It is the delusion caused by God because of our sin. Makes me think of an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth. The laws of God are just whether you understand them or not. Our sins cause blindness. And until we humble ourselves and seek our Father, and repent, We could stay in that condition indefinitely.

  3. I love my pet chickens, I have to eat the roosters and the eggs or I would have a population problem. I love the rabbits in my yard, but if I didnt eat them, there’d be millions and I would have no vegetables. Responsible land stewards eat meat.

  4. Just don’t feed your pet a vegan diet. They are meant to catch small rodents or find dead stuff with their nose. People that do that are worse than the butcher as it’s torture

  5. This has no logic whatsoever. Dog is a predator, chicken is a prey. Dogs are essentially wolves, carnivores and they live in a pack. I have 3 dogs and 1 cat. I eat meat, and love them, because they are my family. They love me, yet they also eat meat. By your logic dogs and cats dont love animals, neither they love me. Also, when it comes to health standpoint, you look severely malnourished. You should think to incorporate some animal foods. God never designed to eat only fruit and veggies, since they are man made food. You would never found plenty of that in nature whatsoever. You would rely on hunting and gathering. You are totally delusional!

  6. Hunter gatherers had wolf-dogs as pets for thousands of years. They helped fix our food and in return got food back from us. And so, we developed a good relation with them.

    You don’t see a pig or cow, hunt down and fetch us food like a wolf-dog would.

    Think for a second lol. Must be hard to think tho having all that fructose rushing thru your brains…

  7. Question: “Why did God prohibit eating meat with blood in it (Genesis 9:4)?”

    Answer: In Genesis 9 Noah receives a covenant from the Lord. Part of the covenant removed the prior restrictions against eating meat, allowing Noah and his family to kill animals for food. However, the allowance came with this proviso: “But you must not eat meat that has its lifeblood still in it” (verse 4).

    One reason God prohibited the consumption of animal blood in the Old Testament was to teach respect for the sacredness of life. Blood is viewed as a symbol of life throughout the Bible (see Leviticus 17:11). The Bible’s first mention of the word blood is found in Genesis 4:10 where God asks the murderer Cain, “What have you done? Listen! Your brother’s blood cries out to me from the ground.” The shedding of blood represents the loss of life. In the New Testament, the “blood of Christ” is a common figure of speech for the “death of Christ” (Ephesians 2:13; 1 Peter 1:19).

    Under the Law of Moses, certain foods were considered unclean for consumption, including any meat with the blood still in it (Deuteronomy 12:16). The early church urged Gentile believers to abstain from eating bloody meat in order to not offend their Jewish brothers and to distance themselves from the practices of the pagans (Acts 15:20).

    Another reason for God’s command not to eat bloody meat undoubtedly concerned the sacrifices. Blood was the only atonement for sin (2 Chronicles 29:24; Hebrews 9:22); therefore, blood was seen as a sacred thing. God wanted to ensure that the blood of the sacrifices was always considered precious. To preserve the people’s appreciation of the sacrifices, God could not allow blood to become a common food.

    The humane treatment of animals may have been another reason why God told Noah not to eat meat with the blood still in it. God did not want mankind to act like the carnivorous animals, who caught their prey and began eating it immediately. Instead, they were to drain the blood from the carcass and thus ensure the animal was dead before it was consumed.

    Further, some have suggested God may have given this command for health reasons. Blood present in meat means it is not fully cooked, and eating uncooked meat can lead to disease or sickness. We recognize this danger today, as attested by the USDA-mandated warnings found in modern-day menus: “Consuming raw or undercooked meats, poultry, seafood, shellfish, or eggs may increase your risk of foodborne illness.” In ancient cultures, the risk could have been even higher, given the lower standards for food safety.

    In Christ, these food laws are obsolete, and the New Testament gives no blanket instruction for the church concerning food (Romans 14:14; 1 Timothy 4:3). Romans 14:1–4 teaches, “Accept the one whose faith is weak, without quarreling over disputable matters. One person’s faith allows them to eat anything, but another, whose faith is weak, eats only vegetables. The one who eats everything must not treat with contempt the one who does not, and the one who does not eat everything must not judge the one who does, for God has accepted them. Who are you to judge someone else’s servant?” Scripture allows the Christian to have individual freedom regarding the consumption of meat and how it’s cooked.

    In summary, God forbade eating bloody meat in the Noahic Covenant and in the Law of Moses. Both spiritual and physical reasons were likely behind this prohibition. In Christ, we have freedom of choice in this matter. However, as with all Christian freedom, we are to use self-restraint to avoid hurting another believer (Romans 14:13–22). Ultimately, eating anything should be done to the glory of God (1 Corinthians 10:31).

    Recommended Resource: Eat This and Live by Don Colbert, M.D.

  8. WE FELL from the Garden. He foreknew this…therefore He also designed our bodies to be able to consume meat.
    After the flood , He gave us all things to eat. The forbidding of eating animals was no longer in effect.

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