Moringa seeds are among the most versatile and nutritious seeds available. They can be planted and grown, eaten directly for quick energy and used to treat dirty water.
You can order Moringa Seeds at this link:
Moringa seeds are among the most versatile and nutritious seeds available. They can be planted and grown, eaten directly for quick energy and used to treat dirty water.
You can order Moringa Seeds at this link:
I know one it does improved blood flow and increased energy I drink moringa tea every morning its very good
I actually love the taste. Â If you drink water DIRECTLY after eating, the taste will automatically “sweeten” in your mouth.
It does really works miraculous
Dude doesn’t the beard get in the way when you eat and do stuff?
It Grows Everywhere in the Philippines 😀
I grow it here in Arizona. You can put a seed into the ground and it will grow so tall. One tree will produce 1000’s of seeds.
+Larry Robertson
Hi Robertson, till now I had nit receive anything from you yet.
Hi can u sent me some seeds;thnk
I am growing a tree in my apt any good tips please and thank you
What part of Arizona you @ ?
I try to grew them but it does not grow then it dies.
Divino nino
Whats the name of the man you interviewed?
Its been giving me energy
How can it give u money plz email me
How can it give u money plz email me
Hi all,
Is Davidson Tan again.
For those who need moringa seeds, 1st you must give me your office or home address. I can’t send moringa seeds to your email address. Postman don’t do the delivery for me to you.
Thank you.
+Davidson Tan Hi Conrad Fournier here If you can send me some seeds that would be GREAT! Conrad Fournier, PO Box 580, Culebra PR 00775 or email me your address and I’ll send you the money 1st ! Thanks
+conradicalization, Hello Conrad, if Davidson runs out of seeds, maybe you can help me in my new endeavor to sell you seed ….yes!
Sweet sour???? It’s bitter and sweet..take 3 the most and u must chew it or blend it in a smoothie. Again u must chew to reap benefits.
these are called drumsticks also
If you can get a cutting of the tree, you can propagate from it.
Get a length of branch and stick it into the ground. It will spout very fast on damp and fertile soil.
50 seeds 25 Bucks? Oh man i hate to burst your bubble but I got 250 seeds for 8$ on eBay. Hey what can i say thats capitalism and supply and demand at work. Good luck though
pandarama67 y
pandarama67 4
You don’t swallow seeds whole. You body does not digest seeds this way. You have to chew your food.
It’s not sour. its sweet and bitter mixed together.
Any nutritional differences between the leaves and seeds?
Don’t take more than 5 seeds a day, it is a advice form my herbal doctor.
Dude your pricing is out of control!
I got 1000 for $16.75 at Botanical 2 Jacobos