Moringa seeds are among the most versatile and nutritious seeds available. They can be planted and grown, eaten directly for quick energy and used to treat dirty water.

You can order Moringa Seeds at this link:


32 thoughts on “Improve Your Health With Moringa Seeds

  1. I actually love the taste.  If you drink water DIRECTLY after eating, the taste will automatically “sweeten” in your mouth.

  2. Hi all,
    Is Davidson Tan again.
    For those who need moringa seeds, 1st you must give me your office or home address. I can’t send moringa seeds to your email address. Postman don’t do the delivery for me to you.
    Thank you.

  3. If you can get a cutting of the tree, you can propagate from it.
    Get a length of branch and stick it into the ground. It will spout very fast on damp and fertile soil.

  4. 50 seeds 25 Bucks? Oh man i hate to burst your bubble but I got 250 seeds for 8$ on eBay. Hey what can i say thats capitalism and supply and demand at work. Good luck though

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