Is Smoking Marijuana and CBD oil okay in the Bible?
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Is Smoking Marijuana and CBD oil okay in the Bible?
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No The body is the Holy Temple.
God is truth so than you eat nothing but healthy organic food and don’t use microwaves and exercise regularly?
+Christian Man
Those who ask about the walk of another are usually under conviction from sin.
They are looking for “Nobody’s perfect” in order to continue to justify something that God has told.them to stop.
We are to walk in the light that has been given us.
To him that knows to do good, and does it not, to him it is sin.
Seacrh your own heart and work out your own salvation with fear and trembling.
Hew 12:14
God bless
Are you feeding the temple pork or foods that is not good for you? examine yourself
Maybe it’s meant to eat it, not smoke it.
That’s actually the most common answer I get. As it pertains to the scriptures
Make rope, clothes, use it for building materials, feed. Petrochemical competition for certain.
I agree with that unless someone is unable to hold down food such as those with cancer or terminal illness. In that case I would say smoking or vaping would be the most helpful.
And The Cancer Patient Still Dies….Shalom
Dorothy Vailes maybe in your life but for others that’s not necessarily true for some it helps them live.
you can use water to save a life or to torture. It’s how you use it. We use all natural food to heal and other plants, so yes, I believe it’s OK. Not saying smoke it get high, I could be wrong about that but i don’t believe smoking/eating it to get high is good. I do believe using it as medicine is GOOD just like we use other oils and foods to heal. CBD oil is no psychoactive, it does not get you high but can heal or soothe arthritis, stop seizures and MANY other benefits. It has helped CHildren suffering from cancer. I think to claim its bad and not understanding it and getting mad at a plant because some stoners/or Government give it a bad image is a stupid reason to write it off as evil. God created it and if we use it properly, that’s probably why its here and was created…this make sense to anyone? or did you have a re conceived idea of it and didn’t even try to understand what I just wrote? remember you don’t have to smoke it, i believe that’s bad for the body. Ppl who are against it seem to have never had the sicknesses that it helps with or have used it when they did,
Cloud Channel sounds good, ppl keep calling cannabis evil but that’s off.
I agree. This issue is a non-issue. We’re all responsible for our own health. There’s plenty of people who still smoke cigarettes and I don’t believe that’ll keep them out of the Kingdom either.
I wish I could afford CBD oil. I’d be taking it.
I have smoked since I was 12 and recently stopped and I have started to dream again and can even remember parts of the the dream after I wake up so I believe it does hinder our minds from YWHW because I believe he speaks to us mostly when we sleep
definitely true, there’s many studies and myself have that same experience, I quit and now i have vivid dreams, when i smoked i couldn’t remember or had any dreams for years. Its not a good thing to smoke.
We need to take care of our Temple
Marijuana is taking care of our body using pharmaceutical drugs is not taking care of our body. Cannabis is an herb that God gave us as a gift. Do studies on cannabis. CONDEMNATION WITHOUT INVESTIGATION IS THE HEIGHT OF IGNORANCE.
And judge not…..
+Imableever marijuana is good for our bodies and some sense but not smoking it when you smoke it it’s horrible for your lungs and you should only take marijuana if you need it for medicinal purposes not just to sit around and get high
they prescribe marijuana for asthma first thing that EVER helped me. the doctor showed a diagram of a balloon aired up. now if it is caked with tar or pollutions from air they froze chocolate in the balloon. Now science has proved you can take in and expand your lungs more than normal with a “hit”/inhale of marijuana which causes the tar and gunk to crack off, fall away break down, just as they increase more air into the balloon the chocolate shell began to crack off and fall away, you then spit out the gunk. I began cannabis therapy and have never had an attack, never need an inhaler, never had another visit to dr due to wheezing, coughing or having trouble in sports. it has now been 15 years of being healed. and since starting my natural medication YHVH created i can run longer, work harder, less tired, less stressed no more deep wheezing breaths it AMAZING and i thank the CREATOR HalleluYAH,
I smoke cannabis for pain relief as well as relief from my Parkinson’s cannabis doesn’t make me high or out of my correct state of mind in fact the complete opposite it actually allows me to function like a normal human being without impairment
Chris Yisrael
Correct zero high just normality
Plus I don’t drink alcohol so of course I’m 100% sober
You don’t need to smoke it. That same relief can be found in a non-THC oil, and with Parkinson disease, try larger doses of Vitamin B1 from a whole food source (capsule form).
Same. I got PUDENDAL nerve entrapment.. herniated disc in my back. And a few bum joint’s. (No pun)
And I’m only 38
I’ve done physical work my whole life. And if anyone has ever experienced PUDENDAL nerve entrapment they know it’s Almost crippling as it seizes the nerves that run along your pelvic area.
I take pain medication and smoke Cannabis.
It doesn’t even get me high or euphoric.. to be honest.
I can talk walk and have a fully aware conscious day .. in fact its the only thing keeps me WHOLE someday when my nerves are shot. Cuz I’ve tried.. prayed. Etc. And when I’m not taking anything to counteract the pain. It’s almost unbearable
I think the most high has no issues with anyone who USES means to counteract pain .. as long as you don’t let it consume you… Overpower your will / faith and IF YOU ARE never.. 👉*SOBER* 👈 BECAUSE as in the scriptures.. YOUR ADVISORY THE DEVIL is always looking for a way.
I agree with both parties here. I think you should use it as necessary and contingent on your issue … So you can be whole.
Don’t use it.
I wish I could just be 100% INDEPENDENT of these things if we’re being honest
People want to control what other people do. They also want authority to apply their control. Many like to use the Bible to ‘enforce’ this control. Our Creator created cannabis, he created poppies, man twist our Creators creations, as well as His word, for their own selfish benefit.
So, Why Don’t You Ask Elohim To Heal You, Instead? Shalom
Can u tell me what meats are ok to eat and if I have eaten pork what can I do to cleanse myself from it
those are listed in the bible or you can do a search engine search that have a list people have took from the scriptures. As for cleaning yourself, i’m no expert in this area but, your body will naturally do that and just don’t eat it again.
+Cloud Channel thank you brother
I put anything that alters mind and emotions in the same boat. Here are principles in the Bible to consider. Be sober (how many times does it say that!). Those making judgments should not drink wine (and we all are making judgments continually!). Strong drink is for those near death. Jesus was CALLED a wine bibber. Doesn’t say he ever got high. We have plenty of ways to help your stomach other than wine these days. I can only imagine how many accidents could have been prevented if parents were not “chilled” from pot and liquor. How many children drown in pools for example because adults are not alert and focused? Same for those who think they are fine to drive. then there is being a stumbling block. So many are addictive in personality and they hear believers say it is ok and they drink to point of addiction even though they do not have peace (as they keep asking people if it is ok). If you are not willing to lay your Isaac on the altar…the pot or any substance is an idol. If you need anything to have comfort, peace, joy etc it is idolatry. HE is ALL we need…or He is not Lord and Master. We also are not to look like the world and should avoid even the appearance of evil and the world sure drinks a lot. I also love the scriptures (OT and NT repeated) that say the people sat down to eat and drink and rose up to play. Yah was NOT pleased. Is this not those in the last days who are lovers of pleasure more than lovers of God? Best to be as Moses who chose to suffer affliction with the people of God than to enjoy pleasures of sin for a season. This life is SHORT. Sorry I did not put the chapter/verses. I have pages and pages of warnings about wine, drink, strong drink, drunkenness, being sober. Yet this is too long already so I apologize. We are soldiers. Soldiers need to be on guard for the enemy NOT chilled. Satan is not on vacation! Be alert and sober and find your pleasure in His presence! I know that it is not a sin to drink a glass of wine. This is just the way I choose to live because I have seen so much death and abuse. No one thinks they are going to have an affair or beat their wife/husband for example when they start drinking or getting high. It is hard enough to fight temptation without “chilling”. Let those who think they are so strong be careful…anyone can fall. Just pray about these thoughts I pray and I am not the judge. I just warn believers as I want no one to look back with more regrets. We are servants of righteousness. Lastly just because it was created doesn’t mean now after the fall it is good for anyone to smoke or use. Plenty of plants that are harmful and to be avoided. Hugs, Janet
Yes and I said today we have MANY things to use for the stomach unlike back 2000 years ago. Yes if you eat too much, listen to angry music, drink too much coffeee etc you also are not of sound mind so I agree that you need to exercise self control a fruit of the spirit and also not drive for example if you are under the influence of anything legal or not….food or drug … herb or music.
+Janet Dutridge read the commandments of the feasts. You are to drink wine and strong drink, don’t change the words of scripture based on your emotions and feelings.
Catty: I have plenty of scriptures to say as Christ did “IT is written again” when the enemy quoted a verse. Plus this is not thus saith the Lord to anyone from me. It is how I choose to live and how I warn others as led of the Holy Spirit. At 61 I’ve seen plenty of examples to warn others and more importantly plenty of verses that warn. No one has to consider my warnings not alone obey them.
+Christian Man The Wine In Scripture Was Made Differently Than The Wine Of Today. So Don’t Take Scripture Out Of Text To Fit Your Flesh. Your Soul Is Your Mind, Your Emotions And Your Will. To Be Sober Means To Keep All Of Your Soul Clear Of Worldly Things. Shalom
Great points Janet
Pardon me again after hearing the second gentleman I want to add to my long comment that when I was in college in 1975-80 smoking pot was a gateway for nearly all those I knew. Because they had classes and jobs and had to be alert…they started using various types of speed to counter the chill of the pot. I know I have made many enemies but just pray and listen to Holy Spirit who will convict or give you peace for “your” choices which should be His Will.
My understanding of CBD oils is that is has such a small amount of THC in it that there are no psychoactive effects from the use of it or no “high” effect. I would ask people if you were stoned would you feel okay meeting Our Father ?
CBD blocks THC so you get the healing properties but not the mental high. So some strains have equal CBD and THC where as others are more dominate in one or the other. There are also indices and sativa and hybrid strains of marijuana and indica is a strain that is more for sleeping so if you feel sleepy it’s probably because you are using the wrong strain. Sativa is more of a pick me up and would be like a cup of coffee. A hybrid would be a combination of both. So there are a lot of factors when it comes to cannabis, it’s not one size fits all.
Yes, Yeshua did keep all the commandments perfectly. And he taught us how we more easily can do so: He loves God, His Father with his whole heart, soul, mind, and strength. And he loves all those with the breath of God through compassion, mercy, and kindness. If we are able to perfect our words and actions in that perfect love, no sin can exist! And I believe when our Mashiach said keeping the commandments isn’t burdensome is because it is a labor of love. And those truths also help us to see how big the log is in our own eye. We are to follow him by perfecting our love for God first as well as for all others, both humans and animals. ❤️
I love it, friend!
Brother Benjamin v I love to seek and knock, because these beautiful nuggets are given to us! ❤️ thank you for the comment Brother! ❤️
This guest speaker angers my spirit…. Justifying any sin seems to be acceptable in this day. Men have truly become lovers of self
If it is used medically then it’s ok. I don’t believe in recreational smoking or drinking.
I’m 48 and I’ve never used it in any form nor do I want to. I get my high from Christ!
I disagree with some and agree with other parts.
We all gotta seek YH in every decision FOR OURSELVES 🤗
I see it like the forbidden fruit. The enemy uses us, tells us we will become wise. Deception.
Let me say this, I smoked weed everyday for 10 years and when I became born again, I felt major dissonance and I knew the holy spirit was convicting me to quit, and praise Yah he set me free! When we are high we are not sober and can open ourselves up to other unclean entities. With that said there is a way to use all the herbs and plants Yah has given us and if we read Enoch, it talks about how the fallen ones taught man how to pervert these things, and man has done just that. Let the Ruac convict us. And let’s be clear, no one is good but the father, come Judgement day we are all guilty anyway smoking or not and we have to remember why we need to have faith in what Yahuah did by sacrificing Yahusha for us. He called himself a good person, that’s a sign he’s already lacking a fundamental understanding of walking with Yahusha. Using marijuana is not excuse to for the chemicals of the world, when we eat clean and fast, we can accomplish a better result. This person you are interviewing is just that, a believer, demons believe too, I will pray for this man. Much Shalom to everyone, use your discernment!
A little wine for a stomach illness does not mean to get tipsy! This shaved man is clueless!
Smoking Marijuana Is Not Scriptural Nor Is It Biblical. It’s Not In Scripture. Every Herb Is Not Good For Everybody. Remember, When Adam And Eve Sinned, They Caused Everything On Earth To Become Off Balance, Including Herbs, Plants, Animals, Etc. Poison Ivy Is A Plant That Grows From The Earth, Does That Mean You Should Roll All In It, Just Because Elohim Created Plants? Shalom