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Isaiah 12
Songs of Praise for Salvation
1 In that day you will sing:
“I will praise you, O Lord!
You were angry with me, but not any more.
Now you comfort me.
2 See, God has come to save me.
I will trust in him and not be afraid.
The Lord God is my strength and my song;
he has given me victory.”

3 With joy you will drink deeply
from the fountain of salvation!
4 In that wonderful day you will sing:
“Thank the Lord! Praise his name!
Tell the nations what he has done.
Let them know how mighty he is!
5 Sing to the Lord, for he has done wonderful things.
Make known his praise around the world.
6 Let all the people of Jerusalem[a] shout his praise with joy!
For great is the Holy One of Israel who lives among you.”

12:6 Hebrew Zion.


8 thoughts on “Isaiah 12 Daily Bible Reading with Paul Nison

  1. You are so right about people using titles and many translations and versions display titles and no names. Being why I love my TLV Bible, uses Adonai, Hebrew for “the Lord Yahuah” glory and power to Adonai El Shaddai, Elyon. HalleluYah

  2. Shalom, Paul! Blessings to you! HalleluYAH! Our Creator Yhwh is worthy of all our praise and LOVE the sound of the shofar! I have read the passages like Psalm 2:7 that suggest Yeshua is a chosen, unique Son; however, even if He is, it doesn’t matter because Yeshua has the heart, mind, and spirit of Yhwh AND HE SAID YES to coming down to redeem us! What a joy! If He is separate, I praise Him all the more because that gave Him a choice, didn’t it? Either way, I praise Him who came in the name of the Father and who does the will of His Father and has redeemed us with a price so great to shed His own blood for our very souls! Be blessed!

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