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Isaiah 58
True and False Worship
1 “Shout with the voice of a trumpet blast.
Shout aloud! Don’t be timid.
Tell my people Israel[a] of their sins!
2 Yet they act so pious!
They come to the Temple every day
and seem delighted to learn all about me.
They act like a righteous nation
that would never abandon the laws of its God.
They ask me to take action on their behalf,
pretending they want to be near me.
3 ‘We have fasted before you!’ they say.
‘Why aren’t you impressed?
We have been very hard on ourselves,
and you don’t even notice it!’

“I will tell you why!” I respond.
“It’s because you are fasting to please yourselves.
Even while you fast,
you keep oppressing your workers.


22 thoughts on “Isaiah 58 Daily Bible Reading with Paul Nison

  1. Much love with these daily readings. With my highlighter I get to go back and reread the chapter and reread the portions that I need most after work every day and at least here I get your notes to go along with all my resources. Like you said in the beginning, the word needs to get out about this channel and I’ve been telling people. Not sure who turns towards but so many people are thankful, Paul, for your consistency, as I am with anyone being consistent in their work and workplace, and I’m sure many more will become as thankful for the back up when it comes to getting in their word. Those many more I just mentioned I’m praying are newcomers to this channel and subscription following. Amen HalleluYah for He Is good!

  2. Shalom, Paul! What a blessed reading today — there is just so much to gleam from these beautiful Words of our Creator. Do NOT be discouraged, brother. These Words are Life, but sadly it will be FEW who find this narrow path. The more I read of the Shabbat, the more I am convinced of its paramount importance. And the IF/THEN statements continue as if blazing off the page… may Israel be awakened with understanding! AMein and Amein. Shalom!

  3. A few years ago I didn’t even know what sin was nor did I pick up a Bible or even believe that there was a God and a Jesus…. now I am beyond believing and I know and feel that GOD and HIS SON exists… but now I am a full-time sinner and can’t stop … Sex drugs and rock and roll …TV microwaves addictions beer pizza junk food movies and more … The lusts of the flesh have become overwhelming and it’s a battle to try to pick these off one at a time…… I got rid of the TV years ago and got rid of the microwave…. I finally stopped listening to rock and roll music and no more movies … Never got addicted to the video games thank God…. I stopped drinking beer everyday even though it was only one beer it was still an addiction….
    It seems as though the only way I can overcome the rest of these addictive sins of the flesh is to immerse myself in Godly things full time…. I must listen to biblical videos such as yourself and read and fast and pray and repent … some people seem as though they can have a foot in this world and a foot in God’s world and be fine … but most things of this world are killing me now and it appears as though I have no other choice but to immerse myself full-time in everything Godly and everything Jesus or I’m doomed and will not be able to stop sinning….
    It’s very strange as though I’m not in control completely of me and my actions and invisible demonic forces are keeping me in sin and addicted … I really really hate it….. I’m becoming more and more knowledgeable about what I am supposed to be doing and not doing and it seems as though it’s getting harder and harder to be good for some strange reason…. thanks for your videos and all the work that you do for us … God bless and adios from the mountains of Guatemala

    • I must have not been paying attention and I swear after you blew the shofar you started to set it aside and said $1,000 for that thing, meaning that’s how much the shofar cost … So I rewound the video and I guess I am hearing things because you didn’t say that at all hahaha….

    • The attack of evil when you are trying to immerse yourself in Yah and His Word is common MyEcoLife. It happens to most people trying to leave behind sinful ways. DON’T GIVE UP! It took me time and much reading, a lot of prayer every day, staying separate from the world for a time to get strong enough to fight the sin, and spilling my unworthy soul out before my Heavenly Father over many many days of that first year in Torah Truth. The best thing I ever did to help the Word work in me was to get a new set of friends and I stayed out of “babylon” as much as I could. Old habbits are hard to break but you can do it! It WILL get harder before it gets better…brother Paul’s videos helped me v in getting away from evil and the things that are evil that everyone else views as normal in the world. The Word tells us that there is a true spiritual war for souls taking place that we cannot see and HaSatan will do anything to take you back into his world away from Yah. Humans are easily deceived if they are out in the world. If you keep close to the Word , fast, pray, stay set apart and honor His commands every day, HE Will come to you when you call on Him. When you are tempted, CALL OUT to HIM.. then flee from the evil. This really works Brother. I will add you to our Torah Sisters prayer list and you hang in there. Give thanks for everything, the good and the not so good for He will use it to teach you if you stay close to Him and follow His Word. Take your Bible with you everywhere and read it when you are tempted, then pray for strength. It will help you and remind you He sees all.
      Praise be to His holy name, YHVH! Shalom

  4. Hallelujah! What a powerful chapter of Scripture, brother Paul! Praise His Holy Name! I so look forward to the Sabbath every week, He has blessed me with a job that gives me His Holy Day off and I appreciate it and everything He has blessed me with. I have many things to be thankful for and I have a blessing report to tell you about as well. Although my wife of twenty years has struggled with my walk in Yeshua, she bought me a Menorah. Ever so slowly but surely, Yahweh is opening her eyes in His time. Praise Yahweh! Praise Yeshua! I would also like to make a prayer request for my blessing of a grandson. He is now seven weeks old and was born with cystic fibrosis. He is wonderful in every way and beautiful. I ask that my brothers and sisters in Yeshua please pray that the virus in his lungs has been expelled and that he will not have to go into the hospital. Shalom.

  5. Please pray for me I’m going through a possible divorce I feel lost and I’m turning to the lord he makes the time for sorrow and the time for joy I feel like job although I don’t consider myself a righteous man I’m a sinner and I strive to overcome them through fasting and prayer, i don’t want to lose my family,please pray for me thank you and your readings help me get through the day I appreciate you

    • Cling to the Word Brother… (“Lament on My Word morning and night” ). Be the walking example in your family for Yah’s Word. Hopefully that will turn your spouse but it will take much time and effort. Continue to profess love and positive statements to her referring back to the Word in a kind way in response to ill will toward you…it is what is asked of us. I don’t know all the details of your situation but I have BTDT. I found out over time that my example of what a Torah wife is suppose to be like spartked my former spouse into reading the Word later. It was too late for us, he loved the world and all that envolves. It may not be too late for you and your family Brother. I will add you to our Torah Sisters prayer list this week. Praise YAH and glorify Him in ALL things for ” it is His will if it shall be done to you”
      May YHVH bless you and keep you near. Shalom

  6. I have wanted to be a part of a good church group, but the Harlots of Babylon are filled with so many unclean spirits that I do not want to be a part of that group that have no oil. So what is a person to do?

  7. Php 2:12 So then, my beloved, even as you always obeyed, not as in my presence only, but now much rather in my absence, work out your salvation with fear and trembling,

  8. Mat 12:36 But I say unto you, That every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give account thereof in the day of judgment.
    Mat 12:37 For by thy words thou shalt be justified, and by thy words thou shalt be condemned.

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